• 《超能陆战队》第28章

    23-01-29 On a wind turbine overlooking San Fransokyo Bay, six friends who happened to be superheroes looked down on the city they were committed to protect. We didnt set out to be superheroes. But sometimes life doesnt go the way you planned, Hiro said. The...

  • 《超能陆战队》第26章

    23-01-29 Baymax and Hiro dodged debris as they flew through the swirling portal at high speed. Look out! Hiro called when a huge chunk of cement whistled by them. I have located the patient. Baymaxs sensor was picking up stronger life readings the deeper the...

  • 《爱丽丝梦游仙境-2》第20章

    22-12-22 An eerie stillness hung in the Chamber of the Grand Clock. Then ... tick tock Tick Tock Ticktock. TICKTOCK. Glowing under a layer of rust, like a clothcovered lantern, the Chronosphere hummed to life, and the Grand Clock started up. Rust flaked off...

  • 《海洋奇缘》第18章

    22-12-21 The black, dying plants across the island of Motunui suddenly sprang to life. An explosion of green foliage and colorful flowers circled Sina and Tui. Sina took one look at the vibrant plants and raced for the shore. Tui dropped an armful of supplie...

  • 《海洋奇缘》第3章

    22-12-21 As the years passed, Moanas parents taught her to appreciate life on the island of Motunui. She took comfort in traditions. She learned the songs. She knew what a valuable resource the coconut wasfrom its sweet meat and water, to its fibers, from wh...

  • 《机器人总动员》第26章

    22-12-14 EVE flew WALL E through the economy-class level of the Axiom. The humming throng of reject-bots was happily following them. They still needed to get up to the lido deck, which was past the main concourse and the coach-class deck. Then another crowd...

  • “无痛早起”攻略请查收

    22-12-09 人人都知道,早睡早起有益健康,但现实却是:睡眼惺忪、忙乱不堪成了很多人的常态,消耗着我们的精气神。在寒冷的冬天,早早离开温暖的被窝的确需要强大的意志力。为此,我们特意整理一份无痛早起攻略,请早起困难户们查收~ 1. Seek out as much natural light as poss...

  • appreciate的四个用法

    22-12-05 动词 appreciate 有多个含义。在表示 重视、感谢 或 完全理解 时,appreciate 是及物动词;在表示 涨价,增值 时,appreciate 是不及物动词。 用法总结 1 及物动词 appreciate 表示 重视,赏识,欣赏(人或事),认为此人或事很重要或很特别。在表达这个含义时,apprec...

  • experience的四个用法

    22-12-05 单词 experience 有多种用法。作可数名词时,它指 经历 或 体验;作不可数名词时,指 经验。作及物动词时,experience 表示 经历到,体会到。 用法总结 1 作可数名词时,experience 指 经历,即 亲身感受的事情。 Meeting my favourite actor was one of the best expe...

  • 科学家为不列颠群岛所有生命进行基因组测序

    22-11-28 这是生物学领域最雄心勃勃的项目之一:科学家们想为英国和爱尔兰发现的每一种有机体DNA测序。 The project called the Darwin Tree of Life is an immense undertaking. Scientists are collecting the DNA from every species of animal, plants and fungi as well as...