• family reunion leave 探亲假

    15-07-13 Since 1981, a regulation of the State Council has granted domestic workers paid leave to visit their families once a year if they live far from parents or spouse. However, some enterprises simply ignore the right of workers to paid leave, the family...

  • 《超凡蜘蛛侠》精彩语句

    14-04-30 He's a character. 他这人就这样。 I was touching up stuff. 我还做了润色。 Come on. I know a right cross when I see it. 别装了,我一看就知道这是右勾拳。 I'm afraid duty calls. I will leave you in the more-than-capable hands of Miss Stacy. 我还有事,就...

  • parental leave 育婴假

    13-01-16 The draft, as the nation's first gender equality regulation, granted five days of parental leave for both parents of a child younger than age 3 in its first version last October and extended the leave to 10 days in its second version last December....

  • longer maternity leave 产假延长

    12-09-12 Female workers in China are set to enjoy longer maternity leave from work. A draft regulation published by the State Council's Legislative Affairs Office would prolong a working woman's maternity leave from the current 90 days to 98 days (14 weeks)....

  • 欧盟新规:年休假期间生病可补假

    12-06-30 欧盟法院上周裁定,员工休年假期间生病,可在日后获得补休。该裁定在欧盟所有成员国均有法律效力。 Workers who fall sick during their annual leave are entitled to take corresponding paid leave at a later date, the EU's top court has ruled. The European Co...

  • 英国拟让男性分享产假

    12-05-21 Fathers will be able to share parental leave to care for babies and will have greater access to their children after couples divorce, under government plans. 根据英国政府的计划,英国的父亲们将能共享产假,照看宝宝,离婚后也将获得更多陪伴孩子的机会。...

  • AWOL 擅离职守

    12-01-30 A few hours after President Obamas press conference Wednesday, Republican House Speaker John Boehner accused him of being AWOL absent without leave on the debt-reduction debate. 在美国总统奥巴马周三召开新闻发布会后几小时,共和党众议院发言人约翰博纳...

  • 日本鼓励生育 区长带头休产假

    10-03-19 作为世界上出生率最低的国家之一,日本近几年不断推出鼓励生育的举措。近日,日本东京某区的区长决定下个月带头回家休产假,希望为广大男士树立榜样,鼓励他们参与到养育孩子的具体工作中。 Hironobu Narisawa, the 44-year-old mayor of Tokyo's Bunkyo ward, announc...

  • 欧盟拟定20周全薪产假遭反对

    10-02-27 欧洲议会近期通过一项立法草案,拟将欧洲妇女的全薪产假由目前的14周延长至20周,该草案将在3月初的欧洲议会全体会议上进行表决。英国等部分欧盟成员国对此表示反对,称目前各国的相关法案运行良好,能够保证员工和公司双方的利益,完全没有必要出台新规。英国商会人士...

  • Accused Parker officer on leave 受指控的警探被停职

    09-08-05 A police chief facing charges over a burglary at the home of the surrogate mother to Sarah Jessica Parker's twins has been put on leave. 一名面临指控的警察局长被停职,他被怀疑在Sarah Jessica Parker的双胞胎孩子的替身母亲家里有盗窃行为。 The surrogate...