• 如厕的粗鲁表达

    22-07-25 The following are appropriate only with friends 下面的用法仅限朋友间使用 John Example: Wheres the John? I have to take a number 2. 例子:厕所在哪?我要拉屎。 Loo (UK can be familiar or rude, depending on where you are)(英式用法-可用于熟人或粗鲁用法...

  • 如何表达自己“内急”

    22-04-20 Pee/ Poo 小盆友的尿尿和便便 I want to pee/ go poo poo. 我想尿尿/便便 Powder my nose 去补补妆(最优雅隐晦的说法) Excuse me, I need to powder my nose. 抱歉,我需要去补补妆。 Take a leak 去小便(通常是男生用的哦) Sorry, Im going to take a leak. 不好...

  • leak (out) information 走漏风声

    21-12-15 走漏风声,汉语词语,意思是泄漏机密或走漏消息,可以翻译为 leak (out) information,divulge a secret或give the show away等。 例句: 这次求婚要保密,如果走漏了一点风声,老穆迪肯定会阻止。 Keep this wooing secret; if it takes the least wind, old Moody wi...

  • 福岛核电站储水罐发生渗漏

    13-06-06 Radioactive water is leaking from a storage tank at Japan's Fukushima plant, its operator says. 日本福岛核电站的一座储水罐正在向外渗漏放射性污水。 Nuclear plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) said a worker discovered the leak on Wedne...

  • 英国石油在油井泄露处成功安装新密封帽

    10-07-13 BP has successfully installed a new sealing cap on the leaking Gulf of Mexico oil well, company officials say. 英国石油公司官员称,公司已成功在墨西哥湾油井渗漏处安装一个新的密封帽。 BP's undersea robots have fitted the sealing cap on top of the well...

  • 奥巴马演讲 BP溢油应急评估1

    10-06-07 Good afternoon, everybody. I know its a little warm out here so want to get started. Ive just had a meeting with these governors, members of Congress, local officials, as well as Admiral Thad Allen, the National Incident Commander in charge of respo...

  • Piracy officers probe Leona leak 警方介入Leona歌曲泄露案

    09-08-20 An investigation into how an unreleased track by singer Leona Lewis was leaked onto the internet is taking place, it has been confirmed. 有消息证实,歌手Leona Lewis未发行的专辑被非法流传到网上,调查已经展开。 Leona Lewis won The X Factor in 2006 Rec...
