• 管理者令人折服的领导力可提升员工创新力

    14-10-09 Managers can promote creativity in employees by empowering leadership and earning employees' trust, according to a new study by Rice University and American University. The researchers investigated, for the first time, the complex effect of the inte...

  • 自恋能提高一定的领导能力

    14-01-16 Although Narcissus himself might not have been able to step away from his reflection in the mirror to get to the office, when it comes to leadership, a moderate amount of narcissism(自恋) can go a long way. So says a new study published in the jou...

  • 领导能力似乎可以遗传

    13-01-16 Genetic differences are significantly associated with the likelihood that people take on managerial responsibilities, according to new research from UCL (University College London). The study, published online in Leadership Quarterly, is the first t...

  • 朝鲜举行金正日逝世周年纪念

    12-12-17 North Korea has held a ceremony to mark a year since the death of Kim Jong-il. 朝鲜举行前领导人金正日逝世一周年纪念仪式。 Kim Jong-un and his wife were shown paying their respects at the palace New leader Kim Jong-un and his wife paid their respects...

  • 秃头男看似更具领导力

    12-10-21 Bald men are perceived to be more dominant, more athletic and better leaders, researchers have claimed. 研究人员称,人们普遍认为秃头男更具主导力、更健壮、领导能力更强。 A new study from information management lecturer Albert Mannes at the University...

  • 澳外交部长凯文·拉德辞职

    12-02-22 Australia's Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd has resigned amid widespread reports of a leadership tussle between him and Prime Minister Julia Gillard. 澳大利亚外交部长凯文拉德辞职,据很多报道看来,他与总理茱莉亚吉拉德存在领导争斗。 Kevin Rudd says he wou...

  • 自私自利似乎有利于事业发展

    11-10-16 It's not likely to win you any popularity contests, but it seems being selfish at work can be good for your career. 自私自利也许不能让你受到众人的欢迎,但在职场中似乎自私一些对你的事业发展有好处。 New research has found that those with more selfless...
