• 美国为何没有工党

    16-05-31 The improbable rise of Bernie Sanders presidential campaign presents an interesting question: why is Sanders, a self-proclaimed democratic socialist, running as a Democrat? McGill University sociologist Barry Eidlin examines this question through an...

  • crowdworker 众包工人

    15-03-16 Crowdworker is a person who provides a small amount of labor, usually for little or no pay, as part of a larger crowdsourced project. 众包工人是为众包工程提供少量劳动的个人,他们只拿到一点点薪水甚至没有薪水。 Example: The group offers a number of op...

  • 政协委员呼吁消除女性就业歧视

    15-03-12 A political adviser called for regulation and supervision to protect women from being discriminated against in employment during the ongoing two sessions. 在正在进行的两会上,有政协委员提案呼吁出台政策、加强监督以维护女性权益,消除女性就业歧视。 Zhe...

  • 奥巴马讲话 祝福大家劳动节快乐

    14-09-06 Hi, everybody. Whether you're firing up the grill, fired up for some college football, or filling up the car for one last summer road-trip-Happy Labor Day weekend. We set aside Labor Day to honor the working men and women of America. And this Labor...

  • 健康足孕宝宝会分泌与母亲相异的压力激素

    13-06-19 A University of Calgary researcher has identified how a steroid hormone may indicate infant distress during labour and delivery. The study, published by PLOS ONE this month, suggests that a full-term, healthy baby preferentially(优先地) secretes(...

  • re-education through labor 劳教

    13-03-18 Prominent lawyers are joining those now calling on China to reform its controversial laojiao system, or re-education through labor system, which allows suspects to be sentenced to forced labor without first undergoing a trial. 知名律师加入声讨大军,...

  • emotional labor 情绪劳动

    12-12-13 Emotional labor is a form of emotional regulation wherein workers are expected to display certain emotions as part of their job, and to promote organizational goals. The intended effects of these emotional displays are on other, targeted people, who...

  • 当今女性分娩时间延长

    12-04-01 Women take longer to give birth today than did women 50 years ago, according to an analysis of nearly 140,000 deliveries conducted by researchers at the National Institutes of Health. The researchers could not identify all of the factors that accoun...

  • labor supply 劳动力供给

    11-11-23 China has 'sufficient labor pool for next 40 years' -- Although facing an aging population, China will be able to maintain its development thanks to a sufficient labor supply for at least the next 40 years, a counselor to China's Cabinet on populati...

  • 细微RNA分子可能是预防早产的关键因素

    10-11-16 Tiny molecules called microRNAs act together with hormones to control the onset of labor, raising the prospect that RNA-based drugs might be able to prevent premature labor, researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have discovered in a preclini...