• 人名成语 上

    22-08-02 1. Jack of all trades (and master of none) 万金油,杂而不精的人 直译为杰克什么都会,但实际形容什么也不通的人。Jack有勤杂工,伙计的意思。 2. dear John letter 绝交信 据说是约翰的情人写给约翰的信。曾经美国有过一首十分流行的歌曲,写的是一个女子既不忍心...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 60

    22-07-21 They dined in Soho. Philip was tremulous with joy. It was not one of the more crowded of those cheap restaurants where the respectable and needy dine in the belief that it is bohemian and the assurance that it is economical. It was a humble establis...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 34

    22-07-18 Next day after dinner they took their rugs and cushions to the fountain, and their books; but they did not read. Miss Wilkinson made herself comfortable and she opened the red sun-shade. Philip was not at all shy now, but at first she would not let...

  • 15条英文土味情话

    21-07-19 01 Is that Newcastle airport we hear? Or is it just my heart taking off? 诶,纽卡斯尔机场是在附近吗? 还是说我听到的是我心起飞的声音? 02 What pen did you use? Because I cant erase you from my mind. 你用的什么笔啊? 我为什么没法把你从脑海里抹去。 03...

  • feel exhilarated 心潮澎湃

    21-06-30 心潮澎湃,汉语成语,意思是心里像浪潮翻腾,形容心情十分激动,不能平静。可以翻译为feel an upsurge of emotions,feel exhilarated等。 例句: 她因选举获胜而心潮澎湃,夜不成眠。 She stayed awake all night, exhilarated by her election victory. 初吻令人心潮...

  • 《玩具总动员》第11章

    21-06-23 A few months later, in Andys new home A cheery wreath hung on the front door. Lights twinkled around the frosty picture window. Inside the warm and cozy house, Andys family gathered around a beautifully decorated Christmas tree. Though it was early...

  • Borrowed Bio

    17-04-12 Borrowed Bio Ange Mlinko Where wed recently lain, exchanging a kiss, stork consorted with crane, limpkin with ibis. Was this as much wedding as there would ever be, the fowls foot-webbing, the identificatory ring around a throat? Exchange of earth a...

  • 谢耳朵的撩妹金句

    17-02-10 Fine. Amy... will you be my girlfriend? 好吧,艾米,你愿意做我女朋友吗? Like that earworm, I cant get you out of my heart. So, what Im trying to say is, youre my heartworm. 你是我挥之不去的耳虫,久久盘旋在心口,所以我想告诉你,你是我的心虫。 If Im g...