22-11-18 第六十二条 侵犯专利权的诉讼时效为二年,自专利权人或者利害关系人得知或者应当得知侵权行为之日起计算。 Article 62. Prescription for instituting legal proceedings concerning the infringement of patent right is two years counted from the date on which th...
22-11-18 第四章 专利申请的审查和批准 Chapter IV Examination and Approval of Application for Patent 第三十四条 国务院专利行政部门收到发明专利申请后,经初步审查认为符合本法要求的,自申请日起满十八个月,即行公布。 Article 34. Where, after receiving an applicati...
22-10-14 国家知识产权局近日举行知识产权这十年专题新闻发布会。据介绍,2012年至2021年,国家知识产权局累计授权发明专利395.3万件,年均增长13.8%。 The number of valid invention patents on the Chinese mainland has exceeded 3 million, with a rising proportion in th...
21-07-19 1. FAN CHAIRS 风扇椅 Philadelphia-based musical instrument maker John Cram invented a clever cooling device in the 1780s. People used their feet to operate the fan that moved above their head, much like someone would power an old sewing machine. Ben...
09-11-12 Faith is a fine invention FAITH is a fine invention When Gentlemen can see-- But Microsopes are prudent In an Emergency. 信念 是个微妙的发明 信念 是个微妙的发明 当绅士们能看见的时候 但显微镜却是谨慎的 在紧急的时候。...
09-10-28 Man's first real invention, and one of the most important inventions in history, was the wheel.All transportation and every machine in the world depend on it. The wheel is the simplest yet perhaps the most remarkable of all inventions, because there...