• 为瓢虫提供栖息地有助粮食增产

    12-05-14 Having natural habitat in farming areas that supports ladybugs(瓢虫) could help increase their abundance in crops where they control pests and help farmers reduce their costs, says a Michigan State University study. Ladybugs and other predatory in...

  • 碰触即可启动植物的保护系统

    12-04-10 A new study by Rice University scientists reveals that plants can use the sense of touch to fight off fungal infections and insects. The study, which will be published in the April 24 issue of Current Biology, finds that plant defenses are enhanced...

  • 植物利用生物钟备战昆虫

    12-02-14 In a study of the molecular underpinnings of plants' pest resistance, Rice University biologists have shown that plants both anticipate daytime raids by hungry insects and make sophisticated preparations to fend them off. When you walk past plants,...

  • 靠振动吸引异性的昆虫易被蜘蛛捕食

    11-03-30 Insects using vibration to attract a mate are at risk of being eaten alive by killer spiders, Cardiff University scientists have discovered. Studying spider behaviour experts from Cardiff University's School of Biosciences found that the vibrations...

  • 植物生长速度与抵抗力此消彼涨

    11-01-30 Plants are attacked by a multitude of(大批的,众多的) insects and mammals. As defense against these herbivores(食草动物) they developed complex defense mechanisms over the course of evolution: spines, thorns, leaf hairs and a number of toxic che...

  • 粮农组织呼吁“肉食者”改吃昆虫

    10-08-21 全球气候日益暖化,世界人口不断增长,联合国粮农组织呼吁肉食者改吃昆虫,并正在考虑推广昆虫食品,以减少温室气体排放量。研究显示,饲养牛、羊等家畜需要占用全球三分之二的农田,而且导致全球变暖的温室气体中有五分之一是家畜及其饲养过程中排放出来的。 Saving t...

  • 生物学家研究热带雨林寄生植物之相互联系

    10-08-20 The widening of the Panama Canal currently underway has created a rare opportunity to study the insects that inhabit the plants of environmentally sensitive Central American rain forest habitats. Dr. Amy Berkov, Professor of Biology at The City Coll...

  • 昆虫可从食草哺乳动物的呼吸中感知危险

    10-08-10 When plant-eating mammals(哺乳类) such as goats chomp(咬牙) on a sprig(小枝,图钉) of alfalfa(苜蓿) , they could easily gobble up(狼吞虎咽) some extra protein in the form of insects that happen to get in their way. But a new report in the...

  • 蚊虫叮咬感染的疾病可能感染到胎儿

    10-05-04 A North Carolina State University researcher has discovered that bacteria transmitted by fleasand potentially tickscan be passed to human babies by the mother, causing chronic infections(慢性感染) and raising the possibility of bacterially induced...

  • 雌性切叶蚊可储存雄性精子并停止其相互竞争

    10-03-19 Leafcutter ant queens can live for twenty years, fertilizing millions of eggs with sperm stored after a single day of sexual activity. Danish researchers who have studied ants at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama since 1992 disco...