• 世卫组织:未来欧洲一半人口将感染奥密克戎变异毒株

    22-01-21 The World Health Organization has warned that half of Europe will have caught the Omicron Covid-19 variant within the next six to eight weeks. 世界卫生组织警告,在未来6到8周内,欧洲一半人口将感染奥密克戎变异毒株。 The projection was based on the sev...

  • 这几种美容产品正在损伤你的皮肤

    21-09-28 防水睫毛膏、脱毛膏、卸妆湿巾、防晒粉底液、哑光唇膏这些你每天都离不开的美容产品其实最伤皮肤。 WATERPROOF MASCARA 防水睫毛膏 Long-wear, waterproof mascaras can be really tricky to remove if you dont have a good eye makeup remover, skincare specialist...

  • 为什么会有“突破病例”?

    21-08-03 近期在国内引发新一波本土疫情的德尔塔毒株传播速度更快,传染性更强,引发了不少人的担忧。新冠疫苗对变异株的有效性如何?为什么打过疫苗还会被感染? 在近日的国务院联防联控机制召开新闻发布会上,中国疾控中心研究员、科研攻关组疫苗研发专班专家组成员邵一鸣对此...

  • 中国生物新冠疫苗Ⅲ期临床试验中期分析结果论文5月26日正式发表

    21-05-28 关于国药集团中国生物新冠疫苗Ⅲ期临床试验中期分析结果的论文5月26日正式发表在《美国医学会杂志》上。 The inactivated vaccine, developed by a Beijing unit of Sinopharms China National Biotech Group, has 78.1 percent efficacy against symptomatic cases of...

  • 新型抗生素能有效杀灭细菌

    21-04-02 近年来,人们对抗生素的使用比以往更加谨慎。这是因为有些细菌能对抗生素产生抗药性,使得杀死这些细菌变得尤为困难。一款新型抗生素似乎能像目前被广泛使用的其它抗生素一样阻止细菌的肆虐。这种抗生素可以附着在细菌赖以生存的铁元素上,从而诱使细菌将抗生素和铁元...

  • 英格兰发现新冠病毒新变种

    20-12-16 A new variant of coronavirus has been found which is growing faster in some parts of England. 英格兰部分地区确认发现新冠病毒的新变种,传播速度更快。 Health Secretary Matt Hancock said at least 60 different local authorities had recorded Covid infect...

  • 高风险航班客座率新规不准高于75%

    20-09-11 China will cap passenger loads to 75 percent of an aircrafts seats on flights designated a high risk for COVID-19 in an effort to contain imported coronavirus cases, the countrys aviation regulator said. 民航局9月1日下发通知称,为应对新冠肺炎疫情输...

  • 印度新冠确诊人数全球第二

    20-09-08 India has recorded a global one-day record of more than 90,000 positive coronavirus cases, taking the country past Brazil as the second most infected country in the world, with 4.2m confirmed cases. 印度新冠肺炎单日新增病例突破9万例,创下全球单日确...