• 胎儿的免疫系统与其母亲完全不同

    10-12-17 UCSF researchers have shown for the first time that the human fetal(胎儿的) immune system arises from an entirely different source than the adult immune system, and is more likely to tolerate than fight foreign substances in its environment. The f...

  • 科学家发现炎症相关的新讯息通道

    10-12-15 Scientists at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have described for the first time a key inhibitory(禁止的,抑制的) role for the IL-1 signaling pathway in the human innate(先天的,固有的) immune system, providing novel in...

  • 人体免疫系统“杀手”首次现行

    10-11-01 Scientists from the UK and Australia have seen the human immune system's assassin a protein called perforin(穿孔素) in action for the first time. The UK team, funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and the Wel...

  • 可抑制口腔微生物的分子被发现

    10-09-26 A University of Oklahoma research team has uncovered a key to arresting the growth of thrush(画眉,鹅口疮) a type of oral yeast(酵母) infection that sickens patients with compromised immune systems, diabetes and newborns as well as healthy indiv...

  • 对艾滋病及早进行治疗可以拯救生命和节省金钱

    10-07-20 HIV-related deaths could be reduced by 20% over the next five years if treatment begins earlier, the World Health Organisation (WHO) says in fresh guidance. 世界卫生组织发布的最新指导称,在未来五年内,如果进行较早治疗,与艾滋病病毒相关的死亡率将降低...

  • 肿瘤可模仿淋巴结以逃过人体免疫系统

    10-03-28 A new mechanism explaining how tumors escape the body's natural immune surveillance(免疫监督) has recently been discovered at EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne) in Switzerland. The study shows how tumors can create a tolerant microenvir...

  • 新试验性药物可在移植手术后保护肾脏

    10-03-04 The experimental drug belatacept can prevent graft rejection(移植排斥) in kidney transplant recipients while better preserving kidney function when compared with standard immunosuppressive(免抑制疫力的,抑制免疫力的) drugs, data from two interna...

  • 脂泄病可能因免疫系统失调引起

    10-03-01 New research has identified four aspects of immune system disturbance(干扰,骚乱) which lead to the development of coeliac disease(乳糜泄,脂泄病) . Nearly 40 different inherited risk factors which predispose(预先处置,使安排于) to the disease...

  • 斯克里普斯研究所发现对付血癌的新方法

    09-12-01 A study led by a Scripps Research Institute scientist describes a new, highly pragmatic approach(实际的方法) to the identification of molecules that prevent a specific type of immune cells from attacking their host. The findings add a powerful new...

  • How flesh bug fools immune system 科学家展示食肉寄生虫如何骗

    09-08-26 Scientists have shown how flesh-eating parasites responsible for the disfiguring tropical disease leishmaniasis dupe the immune system. 科学家展示了可以导致热带地区疾病黑热病的食肉寄生虫如何骗过免疫系统。 The parasites are carried by the Sand fly Th...