• self-discipline pact 自律公约

    11-12-12 Representatives from 140 portals and websites signed a self-discipline pact Monday in Beijing, which vows to protest against illegal public relations on the Internet, xinhuanet.com reported. 据新华网报道,来自140家门户网站和其它网站的代表本周一在北...

  • off-the-books income 灰色收入

    11-11-30 Wen also vowed to crack down on and ban illegal income, regulate off-the-books income , gradually form a transparent, fair and rational pattern of income distribution, and resolutely reverse the widening income gap. 温总理还承诺将严禁和打击非法收入...

  • 虎制品非法交易每年使100多只老虎被杀

    10-11-10 The illegal trade in tiger parts has led to more than 1,000 wild tigers being killed over the past decade, a report suggests. 一份报告显示,虎制品非法交易已经造成过去十年间1000多只野生老虎被杀害。 Fewer than 3,500 tigers are estimated to remain in t...

  • 法国将驱逐国内的罗姆人出境

    10-08-19 France is to begin deporting Roma (Gypsies) as part of a crackdown on illegal camps in the country. 作为对非法聚居地进行镇压行动的一部分,法国开始驱赶境内的罗姆人(吉普赛人)。 Critics say the evictions could lead to a rise in xenophobia among the F...

  • 肯尼亚伊斯兰法庭被裁定为非法

    10-05-25 Kenya's Islamic courts are illegal and discriminatory, a panel of judges has ruled. 肯尼亚某评审团裁定,伊斯兰法庭是非法的、差别对待的。 Muslims have had their own court system since colonial rule The three judges said the Islamic Kadhi courts favou...

  • 非法文件共享将使欧洲损失数十亿欧元

    10-03-18 The growth of illegal file-sharing could cost European countries 1.2m jobs and 240bn euros (215bn) by 2015, an industry report claims. 一份行业报告称,不断增长的非法文件共享可能会在2015年前造成欧洲国家损失120万个工作岗位和2400亿欧元。 The figures ar...

  • 犯罪术语8

    10-03-12 hit-and-run 肇事逃逸 An automobile accident in which the driver fails to stop and identify himself or herself. The term hit-and-run may also be applied to such a driver. 指一起汽车事故中,肇事司机不停车,且不亮明自己身份。该词也可以指肇事逃逸司机。...

  • 犀牛非法狩猎“全球上涨”

    09-12-02 Rhino poaching around the world is on the rise despite efforts to protect the animals, a report warns. 一项报道警告道,全球范围的非法偷猎犀牛趋势正在上涨,尽管为保护犀牛付出很多努力。 It's not all bad news for the world's rhino population The global...

  • 文件共享者同样也是大额消费者

    09-11-03 People who download music illegally also spend an average of 77 a year buying it legitimately, a survey has found. 一项调查发现,非法下载音乐的人平均一年也要花费77英镑合法购买音乐。 7 out of 10 illegal downloaders are 35 years old or under. Those wh...

  • French 'pass' piracy legislation 法国通过互联网立法

    09-09-16 The French National Assembly has passed a draft law that would allow illegal downloaders to be thrown off the net. 法国国民议会通过了一项法律草案,允许将非法下载人踢出网络。 Consumer groups warned the new law could punish the wrong people The law wa...