• funny money 假钞;来路不明的钱;黑钱

    21-09-07 Funny除了有好笑的;有趣的的意思以外,还有欺骗(性)的;可疑的;不光明的意思。 所以,funny money真正的意思是:假钞;来路不明的钱;黑钱。 例句: Making funny money is illegal. 制作假币是违法的。...

  • 听起来很夸张却真实存在的法律 上

    21-05-26 1. Its Illegal To Toss Non-Biodegradable Plastic Confetti In Mobile, Alabama 在美国阿拉巴马州莫比尔市抛洒不可生物降解的塑料彩屑是违法的 In the Code of Ordinance of the city Mobile in Alabama, there is a section talking about the use of confetti: It...

  • 中国将在大学内打击非法集资

    18-09-05 China has launched a nationwide campaign to crack down on illegal fundraising activities in universities as students returned to campus to start a new school year. 随着大学生重返校园开始新学年,中国政府发起一项全国性的校园内打击非法集资活动。 Any pe...

  • 中国将严厉打击非法融资

    17-04-26 China will tighten its crackdown on illegal fundraising to protect peoples interests and fend off systemic risks, the Office of the Inter-agency Anti-illegal Fundraising Taskforce said on Tuesday. 跨机构反非法融资工作组办公室周二表示,中国将加紧对非...

  • 法国:边开车边吃东西违法

    15-07-06 People heading to France are being warned that from yesterday it is illegal to eat while driving a car. 要去法国的人注意啦!7月1日起,在法国边开车边吃东西是违法的。 Anyone caught snacking while at the wheel can now be pulled over and handed an on-th...

  • 非法可可种植园威胁灵长目动物生存

    15-03-31 Researchers surveying for endangered primates in national parks and forest reserves of Ivory Coast found, to their surprise, that most of these protected areas had been turned into illegal cocoa farms, a new study reports. The researchers surveyed 2...