• father of hybrid rice 杂交水稻之父

    21-05-26 5月22日,杂交水稻之父袁隆平因多器官衰竭去世,享年91岁。受中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平委托,湖南省委书记许达哲专程看望了袁隆平同志的家属,转达习近平对袁隆平同志的深切悼念和对其家属的亲切问候。 President Xi Jinping has extended condole...

  • 袁隆平团队研发的杂交水稻双季亩产突破1500公斤

    20-11-05 Despite unfavorable weather conditions this year, the two harvests combined-consisting of early-season and late-season crops-surpassed 22.5 tons per hectare, realizing the goal set earlier this year by renowned agricultural expert Yuan Longping, w...

  • BBC:11月值得一看的5部电影

    20-11-04 Ammonite《菊石》 Kate Winslet plays Mary Anning, the Victorian fossil hunter whose discoveries on the Dorset coast made her a heroine to palaeontologists, but who was never quite accepted by male scientists in her lifetime. Saoirse Ronan plays Charl...

  • 中国超级杂交水稻产量创记录

    18-09-04 Super hybrid rice output in test fields in southwestern Yunnan Province has set a new world record, local authorities said Monday. 超级杂交水稻云南试验田的产量创新世界记录。 The latest output of three plots at a super hybrid rice demonstration base...

  • 2020年海水杂交水稻将在中国推广种植

    18-06-11 Chinese agricultural scientist Yuan Longping announced Saturday that his team has completed detailed plans for seawater hybrid rices trial planting and promotion. 中国农业科学家袁隆平上周六宣布他的团队已经完成海水杂交水稻试种和推广的详细计划。 The n...

  • 丰田福特将联合开发混合动力系统

    11-08-23 Carmakers Toyota and Ford have agreed to collaborate a new hybrid system for SUVs and light trucks. 汽车制造商丰田与福特将联合为越野车及轻型货车开发新式混合动力系统。 The two said they will work as equal partners under a memorandum(备忘录) of unde...

  • 丰田宣布召回11万辆汽车

    11-06-30 The world's biggest carmaker Toyota is to recall more than 110,000 hybrid vehicles over concerns about a problem with the power supply circuit. 因供电线路问题,世界上最大的汽车厂商丰田公司将要召回11多万辆混合动力车。 The Japanese carmaker said the r...

  • 丰田否定“普锐斯失速”事件属实

    10-03-16 Toyota Motor Corp says it has found no evidence to support a driver's account of a widely-publicised runaway Prius incident in California last week. 丰田汽车公司称,对于上周在美国加州发生的、广为流传的一位司机所描述的普锐斯失速事件,没有发现任何证据...
