11-05-27 I don't like to inquire(询问,查究) too curiously into your affairs, said the lady to her husband. But something's been bothering me for days. So? said the husband, Tell me all about it. You got a letter last Friday, the lady said. It was perfumed...
11-05-21 Married women are increasingly likely to be older than their husbands, figures reveal. 数据显示,越来越多步入婚姻的女性年龄比丈夫大。 They show 26 per cent of brides have a younger groom, compared with 15 per cent in 1963. The trend is seen in the 2...
11-05-19 My newlywed husband said the same thing every morning. You're beautiful today. One glance in the mirror revealed that it was far from the truth. A skinny girl with mashed(捣烂的) hair on one side of her head and no makeup smiled back at me. I coul...
11-02-12 Two women were chating in a room, One asked, How is everthing going with your son? Oh,don't even mention it, what a huge misfortune!! The woman sighed: He is poor enough, and marry a extraordinary lazy daughter-in-law. She doesnt cook, not clean the...
10-12-17 I have a friend who is falling in love. She honestly claims the sky is bluer. Mozart moves her to tears. She has lost 15 pounds and looks like a cover girl. I'm young again! she shouts exuberantly(生气勃勃地) . As my friend raves on about her new...
10-07-19 Happiness in Dream There was a wife who told her husband, Last night I dreamed you bought me a mink coat and a diamond ring. The husband put down his newspaper and said, Fine! Tonight go back to sleep and wear them. 梦中的幸福 妻子告诉丈夫说:昨天晚...
10-03-16 Actress Kate Winslet and her husband Sam Mendes have split up, their lawyers have announced. 女演员凯特温丝莱特与其丈夫山姆门德斯的律师宣布,二人已正式离婚。 Winslet and Mendes both come from Reading in Berkshire Kate and Sam are saddened to announc...
09-11-07 Be careful with what you wish for A couple had been married for 25 years and were celebrating their 60th birthdays, which fell on the same day. During the celebration a fairy appeared and said that because they had been such a loving couple for all...
09-11-03 我发现尽管平心静气地说话很难,我的丈夫就有这种超赞的性格,说话几乎从不刁难我。我努力记着,我爱他身上的那些优点,把让我心烦的琐事抛到脑后。说起来容易做起来难?6嗲孜撬?复危?嘤当??富兀?喟???换岫??庑┪蚁鹿?鲂囊?龅氖拢?苡行У厝梦乙恢备惺艿...
09-09-29 昨天,这个女孩已是歇斯底里。她的父母正在打离婚战。她对我说她不想活了,然后双手紧捂着脸大声地喊没有人是爱我的。 我还以为你是想跟我谈乔纳森的事呢,我说道。 是啊,请听下去。她拂了下我的袖子接着说,今天乔纳森径直走向了那女孩儿,递给了她一束粉嫩可爱的花...