• Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 55

    21-03-20 Time passed on. A few more to-morrows, and the party from London would be arriving. It was an alarming change; and Emma was thinking of it one morning, as what must bring a great deal to agitate and grieve her, when Mr. Knightley came in, and distre...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 11

    21-03-17 Mr. Elton must now be left to himself. It was no longer in Emmas power to superintend his happiness or quicken his measures. The coming of her sisters family was so very near at hand, that first in anticipation, and then in reality, it became hencef...

  • My Heroic Husband 《赘婿》

    21-03-13 牛年一开年,由郭麒麟主演的《赘婿》便迅速霸占热搜,成为了国民新下饭剧。 作为英语老师的我,出于好奇,找了一下海报上的英文名在一个小角落里看到了这个名字:My Heroic Husband 直译为我的英雄老公,当然,这不是赘婿的直译,而是基于全剧的意译。 但是老外看了这...

  • These Are My Jeans 那是我的裤子

    20-08-31 These Are My Jeans After going on a diet, a woman felt really good about herself -- especially when she was able to fit into a pair of jeans she had outgrown long ago. Look,look. she shouted while running downstairs to show her husband. I can wear m...

  • 梅兰妮亚竟点赞调侃她与丈夫关系的推文

    17-05-07 Melania Trump used to be quite a prolific tweeter. 梅兰妮亚特朗普曾经是一名活跃的推特用户。 However, since her husband got in the Oval Office her account has become quite quiet, shes seemingly transfered most of her activity to @FLOTUS. That all cha...

  • Boyfriend Upgrade

    16-07-13 Dear Tech Support, Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed that the new program began making unexpected changes to the accounting modules, limiting access to flower and jewelry applications that had operated flawlessly und...

  • The thrill is gone 真扫兴

    16-06-04 About two weeks before our fifth anniversary, my husband ased me what I would like for a gift. I told him I wanted something impractical and romantic. On our anniversary, he presented me with a lovely gold bracelet. A little four-letter word made me...

  • A Poor Husband 可怜的丈夫

    16-05-06 Woman: Dear doctor, I heard my husband talk in his sleep at night several times. Could you please tell me how to cure him? Doctor: Its only too easy, Madam! Let him have his say in the daytime. 女人:亲爱的医生,我好几次听见我的丈夫在夜里睡觉时说话...

  • That is my husband 那是我丈夫

    16-04-22 Did the children behave when you bathed them? inquired the mistress to the new French nurse, when she returned home from the party. All but the biggest boy? We have only one boy, Freddy, and hes only two years old. Which biggest boy? We have only on...

  • The Day off from work 丈夫休息在家

    16-04-22 My husband was enjoying the day off from work and watched me scurry about the house. I picked up his dirty clothes, put away his work shoes, carried out his popcorn bowl from the previous nights football viewing,washed the breakfast dishes, wiped t...