• 吃太晚容易长胖

    22-10-21 近日,一项发表在《细胞代谢》杂志的最新研究给出了明确回答:吃饭时间真的很重要!更晚地吃饭(如一天三顿的摄入时间比别人迟4个小时),会从三大方面诱发肥胖:增加食欲、降低能量消耗、改变脂肪组织基因的表达。吃太晚真的容易长胖,快把时差倒回来! We all know t...

  • have to live on air 喝西北风

    22-08-29 喝西北风,中文俗语,字面意思是drink the northwest wind,多用于口语,比喻生活贫困,没吃饭饿肚子,只靠呼吸空气生存,可以翻译为have to live on air, suffer from cold and hunger。 例句: 如果你懒得连这份工作都不想做,那你只能去喝西北风了。 If you are so...

  • 饥饿感为何会无穷无尽

    22-03-22 饥饿是一种很强烈的生理感受,我们的身体很难忽视它。你是否经常刚吃完不久就饿了,越吃越多,根本停不下来?你知道饥饿感为何如此无穷无尽吗? Hunger is complicated and can have many different triggers, said Dr. Monique Tello, a clinical instructor at Harva...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 19

    21-02-24 Buck took to Jim Tenny at once. There was something about this long, lean, brown-faced foreman of the Rocking-R, with his clear gray eyes and that half-humorous twist to his thin lips, which inspired not only confidence but liking as well. He listen...

  • 《饥饿游戏》主题公园将于2019年前在亚特兰大开业

    15-11-06 Hunger Games fans may get to find out for themselves if the odds are forever in their favor. 《饥饿游戏》的粉丝将有机会亲自试试看好运是否会永远眷顾自己。 A 100-acre theme park dedicated to the blockbuster movie franchise starring Jennifer Lawrence a...