• 出轨也是基因惹的祸?

    14-11-29 It could be the perfect excuse for cheating spouses who are caught out: infidelity may be inherited. Both men and women may be more likely to have affairs as a result of the genes passed down by their parents, according to research. 出轨被发现?也许...

  • 阿拉斯加出土两具冰河时期婴儿遗骨

    14-11-12 The remains of two Ice Age infants, buried more than 11,000 years ago at a site in Alaska, represent the youngest human remains ever found in northern North America, according to a new paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sc...

  • 大脑间可无需语言直接交流

    14-11-10 Sometimes, words just complicate things. What if our brains could communicate directly with each other, bypassing the need for language? University of Washington researchers have successfully replicated a direct brain-to-brain connection between pai...

  • A threat 恐吓

    14-10-28 A commuter sitting on a subway train reading a paper back was so sprawled out in the seat that the woman next to him had very little room. When she asked if he could move a bit, he refused. Just then, a man opposite them yelled, Why don't you sit li...

  • brain detox 大脑排毒

    14-10-27 Brain detox is the process of many office workers trying to relax and improve their brain function with scalp massage, deep breathing, and acupressure after too many long days. 大脑排毒是指上班族工作一段时间后,通过多种方法让大脑清静,得到充分的休息...

  • School of Practical Dissection

    14-10-23 School of Practical Dissection Kenny Williams In the hands of the priest the heart has to break like crockery, for a single man, not the human race which we love into oblivion and despise in general. In the hands of the anatomist it leaps, the heart...

  • 地球磁场处于缓慢变化之中

    14-10-17 Imagine the world waking up one morning to discover that all compasses pointed south instead of north. It's not as bizarre as it sounds. Earth's magnetic field has flipped -- though not overnight -- many times throughout the planet's history. Its di...

  • 家蝇基因组可用于改善人类生活

    14-10-15 The house fly might be a worldwide pest, but its genome will provide information that could improve our lives. From insights into pathogen immunity, to pest control and decomposing waste, the 691 Mb genome has been sequenced and analyzed by a global...

  • 猿和人类大脑的进化历程被改写

    14-10-04 A new study published in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on October 2 could rewrite the story of ape and human brain evolution. While the neocortex of the brain has been called the crowning achievement of evolution and the biological substrat...

  • Jane Eyre 简爱 Chapter 6

    14-09-28 THE next day commenced as before, getting up and dressing by rushlight; but this morning we were obliged to dispense with the ceremony of washing; the water in the pitchers was frozen. A change had taken place in the weather the preceding evening, a...