• 雄性果蝇较雌性更好斗

    14-01-18 When one encounters a group of fruit flies invading their kitchen, it probably appears as if the whole group is vying(争夺) for a sweet treat. But a closer look would likely reveal the male flies in the group are putting up more of a fight, partic...

  • 污泥成威胁人类健康的新隐患

    14-01-18 Thousands of chemicals serving a variety of human needs flood into sewage treatment plants once their use life has ended. Many belong to a class of chemicals known as CECs (for chemicals of emerging concern), which may pose risks to both human and e...

  • 人类直立行走的进化历程

    14-01-18 Humans and some of our hominid(人类及其祖先的) ancestors such as Homo erectus have been walking for more than a million years, and researchers are close to figuring out how we do it. It's never been completely clear how human beings accomplish the...

  • 超声波能提高大脑的感官能力

    14-01-14 Whales, bats, and even praying mantises use ultrasound as a sensory guidance system -- and now a new study has found that ultrasound can modulate(调节) brain activity to heighten sensory perception in humans. Virginia Tech Carilion Research Instit...

  • 气候变化可能对地球产生突然影响

    13-12-05 Climate change has increased concern over possible large and rapid changes in the physical climate system, which includes Earth's atmosphere, land surfaces, and oceans. Some of these changes could occur within a few decades or even years, leaving li...

  • 几种对宠物有害的人类食物

    13-12-01 A number of human foods are dangerous to pets. Many of these foods may seem tasty to our pets but can prove deadly if eaten. It can be very tempting to offer pets food from the table, but pets should not be given human food unless recommended by you...

  • 西伯利亚人可能是美洲印第安人后裔

    13-11-21 The genome sequence of a 24,000-year-old Siberian individual has provided a key piece of the puzzle in the quest for Native American origins. The ancient Siberian demonstrates genomic signatures that are basal to present-day western Eurasians and cl...

  • 全球降水量与全球变暖之间的关系

    13-11-13 The rain in Spain may lie mainly on the plain, but the location and intensity of that rain is changing not only in Spain but around the globe. A new study by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory scientists shows that observed changes in global (oc...

  • 哥斯达黎加发现277种新茧蜂

    13-11-07 Costa Rica reveals astonishing biodiversity of braconid(茧蜂) wasps, with 277 new species of the tribe Heterospilini described in the latest special issue of the open access journal ZooKeys. This is the second part of an extensive two-part study o...

  • 肠道细菌与肠道健康

    13-11-06 It's well established that humans maintain a symbiotic relationship with the trillions of beneficial microbes that colonize their bodies. These organisms, collectively called the microbiota, help digest food, maintain the immune system, fend off pat...