• Work and Pleasure

    12-08-17 To be really happy and really safe, one ought to have at least two or three hobbies, and they must all be real. It is no use starting late in life to say: I will take an interest in this or that. Such an attempt only aggravates(加重,恶化) the str...

  • 新石器时代人是最早的伐木工

    12-08-10 During the Neolithic Age(新石器时代) (approximately 10000-6000 BCE), early man evolved from hunter-gatherer to farmer and agriculturalist, living in larger, permanent settlements with a variety of domesticated animals and plant life. This transiti...

  • Two-pizza teams 双比萨团队

    12-08-02 Two-pizza teams is the concept of keeping the team small enough that it can be fed with two pizzas. Small enough for the contribution of each member to make a noticeable contribution, in order to function it needs mutual dependence, a common objecti...

  • 每天都是新起点

    12-07-23 We are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book whose pages are infinite--- I do not know who wrote those words, but I have always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want to make it. We can take the mysterious,...

  • 日本福岛核泄漏乃人为导致

    12-07-05 The crisis at the Fukushima nuclear plant was a profoundly man-made disaster, a Japanese parliamentary panel has said in a report. 日本某国会委员在一篇报告中称,福岛核电站泄露事件是一场严重的人为灾难。 The disaster could and should have been foresee...

  • 解开功能基因组的奥秘

    12-07-02 Popularly dubbed the book of life, the human genome is extraordinarily difficult to read. But without full knowledge of its grammar and syntax(语法,句法) , the genome's 2.9 billion base-pairs of adenine(腺嘌呤) and thymine(胸腺嘧啶) , cytosin...

  • 人类祖先具备独特的饮食方式

    12-06-28 When it came to eating, an upright, 2 million-year-old African hominid had a diet unlike virtually all other known human ancestors, says a study led by the Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany and involving the Unive...

  • 叙利亚正处于战争状态

    12-06-27 Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has said his country is in a state of war. 叙利亚总统巴沙尔阿萨德称,叙利亚目前处于战争状态。 Addressing his new cabinet, Mr Assad said that all efforts had to be directed towards winning the war. Hours later, gunmen...

  • 美国疾控中心宣布:僵尸并不存在

    12-06-05 The horrific face-eating arrest in Miami and several other seemingly subhuman acts has many people wondering what's behind this flesh-munching wave of terror. 美国迈阿密骇人听闻的裸男吃脸案,和其它多起吃人案使许多民众怀疑事件背后是否有僵尸作祟。 Ove...

  • 达芬奇解剖画作首次曝光

    12-05-05 5月4日到10月7日,英国白金汉宫的女王美术馆将举办题为达芬奇:解剖学家的展览,将展出著名画家达芬奇的87幅解剖画作。据介绍,达芬奇在当时共解剖了大约30具人体标本,做了上百幅解剖画稿,不过这些作品直到1900年才被发表并得到科学界的认可。 An employee of the Qu...