• 50万年前人类开始使用石头武器

    12-11-16 A University of Toronto-led team of anthropologists has found evidence that human ancestors used stone-tipped weapons for hunting 500,000 years ago -- 200,000 years earlier than previously thought. This changes the way we think about early human ada...

  • 《绿灯侠》五

    12-11-16 影片对白 Thaal Sinestro: So...this is the human. When I learned Abin Sur's ring had chosen you, I said there had to be a mistake. I see nothing to change my mind. I'll take it from here, Kilowog. The Corps is only as strong as its weakest link . And...

  • 人可以在无意识状态下解决数学问题

    12-11-15 Can we actually read words and phrases and solve multi-step mathematical problems without our having consciously been aware of them? A team in the Psychology Department at the Hebrew University has conducted a series of experiments that give a posit...

  • 学好汉译英 谨记“八戒”

    12-10-31 一、戒望文生义,机械直译 这多半是初学者犯的毛病,他们易于被表面现象所迷惑。 黄牛(yellow cowox前误后正,下同) 黄鹂(yellow bird oriole) 黄瓜( yellow meloncucumber) 紫菜(purple vegetable laver) 红木(red woodpadauk) 红豆杉(red firChinese yew) 黑社会(bla...

  • 人打哈欠能传染七月大以上的狗

    12-10-24 Do you get tired when others yawn(哈欠) ? Does your dog get tired when you yawn? New research from Lund University in Sweden establishes that dogs catch yawns from humans. But not if the dogs are too young. The study, published in Springer's journ...

  • 爱的分解

    12-10-23 The love which consists in this,that two solitudes protect and limit and great each other. Love's mysteries in souls do grow, but yet the body in his book. To love for the sake of being loved is human, but to love for the sake of loving is angelic....

  • 人生如诗

    12-10-23 I think that, from a biological standpoint, human life almost reads like a poem. It has its own rhythm and beat, its internal cycles of growth and decay. It begins with innocent childhood, followed by awkward(尴尬的,笨拙的) adolescence trying awk...

  • 地震时地面晃动产生大量低频次声

    12-10-19 Earthquakes sway buildings, buckle terrain(地形,地势) , and rumble -- both audibly and in infrasound, frequencies below the threshold(门槛,极限) of human hearing. New computer modeling by a team of researchers indicates that most of the low-fr...

  • 新采集血液不适宜立即使用

    12-10-09 In a finding that runs counter to commonly held beliefs about fresh being better, a clinical trial published October 8 by the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that acutely(剧烈地) ill premature babies who received fresher blood di...

  • 盐沼能有效缓解气候变暖

    12-09-27 A warming climate and rising seas will enable salt marshes(盐沼) to more rapidly capture and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, possibly playing a role in slowing the rate of climate change, according to a new study led by a University of...