• 《超能陆战队》第13章

    23-01-28 Hiro sat up like a shot. Baymax had definitely gotten his attention. What? Hiro asked. He saw Baymax holding Tadashis baseball cap. Tadashi, Baymax repeated. Hiro nodded and said, Tadashis gone. When will he return? Baymax asked. Hiro lowered his he...

  • hug与embrace

    22-08-10 大家最常用的拥抱是hug与embrace,二者的区别很...

  • 抱抱

    22-06-09 1. hug: 拥抱 Hug me, please. 抱抱我吧。 Nothing says it quite like a hug. 拥抱最能表达情感。 He hugged her close to him. 他将她拥入怀中。 She gave a bear hug to him. 她紧紧地抱住他。 2. cuddle: 亲昵地搂抱 They sat in the back row of the cinema kissi...

  • spit-take 笑喷

    14-10-27 bank of mum and dad - a person's parents regarded as a source of financial assistance or support 父母银行:被孩子视作财政支持的父母 bro hug - another term for 'man hug' and is used to describe two males embracing 哥们儿拥抱:也可以说是man hug,就是...

  • hate hug 假意拥抱

    13-09-27 Hate hug is a hug given as an unavoidable social grace even though one or both people engaged in the hug hate each other and would not willingly hug if they were alone. Hate hug is characterized by being a very fast and going through the motions hug...

  • group hug 集体拥抱

    13-03-07 Sometimes when a group of people or a team is down and they need to cheer themselves up they have a group hug . 有时,团队成员情绪低落,需要提振精神的时候,他们就会来一个集体拥抱。 Usually someone says: Group Hug or Let's have a group hug. Then the...

  • My father's hug

    11-06-01 Growing up at a distance geographical and emotional from her chilly father meant Katherine Burdett always doubted his feelings for her. Until his final few days By Katherine Burdett I grew up bereft of(失去) hugs. Neither of my parents was the cud...

  • 调查:英国人已不再羞于当众流露感情

    10-04-04 The famous British stiff upper lip has become a thing of the past, according to a survey on Thursday which found Britons are no longer embarrassed to shed a tear or be affectionate in public. 上周四公布的一项调查称,英国人不苟言笑的著名形象如今已成...

  • Flu to trigger hugs in British churches 预防甲型流感 英教徒

    09-07-29 Manchester Cathedral. Some British parishioners are being advised to hug rather than shake hands as a sign of peace in measures by churches to try to stop the spread of swine flu, a report said. Some British parishioners are being advised to hug rat...
