• 2017中国将建造200万套经济适用房

    17-04-18 China will create 2 million units of public rental housing in 2017 to provide affordable housing for low-income people, said a senior official. 一位高级官员透露,2017年中国将为低收入人群建造200万套经济适用房。 Accelerating the construction and alloc...

  • 上海房管局否认限制买房谣言

    16-08-30 Shanghai housing authorities have denied reports that theyre considering new restrictions on buying homes, saying they will be sticking to the existing rules to ensure the stability of the market, according to Shanghai municiple governments official...

  • 奥巴马讲话 公平住房体系

    15-07-24 Hi, everybody. It's our job as citizens to make sure we keep pushing this country we love toward our most cherished ideals-that all of us are created equal, and all of us deserve an equal shot. This week, my Administration took new steps to bring us...

  • 中国公布住房公积金年度报告

    15-06-15 Chinese authorities have, for the first time, released an annual report on the status of this country's public housing fund. 中国政府首次就国内住房公积金情况发布一份年度报告。 Stats show the number of people contributing to the public housing fund h...

  • 中国二套房最低首付降至40%

    15-03-31 Chinese authorities are lowering the required downpayment for second home purchases to 40-percent from 60-percent to prop-up the housing market. 中国当局将二套房最低首付款由60%降到40%以扶持房地产市...

  • 房价的翻译

    13-06-03 原文:Young people are being priced out of the housing market. 原译:年轻人正被房价赶出住房市...

  • 中国房产事件引外媒关注

    13-02-14 Cases of officials gaming China's strict residence registration system for property-buying sprees prompt public backlash. 近日,中国数名官员违反严格的户籍制度购入大量房产的事件引发了公众的强烈谴责。 A public security official in southern China purch...

  • housing information system 住房信息系统

    12-08-28 While admitting that limiting home purchases was the last resort of the government to curb rising property prices, Jiang told lawmakers during an inquiry meeting that the restrictions will be phased out upon the establishment of a national housing i...

  • 加州斯托克顿市将宣布破产

    12-06-27 The Californian city of Stockton is set to become the largest US city to declare bankruptcy. 加利福尼亚州斯托克顿市将成为美国最大的破产城市。 Mayor Ann Johnston told the city council which endorsed the move it was the most difficult and heart-wrench...

  • to rebuild shanty areas 棚户区改造

    10-11-25 针对过热的土地市场,国土部再次重拳出击,颁布国19条,详细规范了土地买卖及交易行为,同时表示将进一步确保保障房、棚户区改造、及自住的中小套型住宅用地的供应。 We will strive to guarantee that land used for low-income housing, for rebuilding shanty areas...