• Fairyland 2

    13-03-06 Chapter 4 So the next morning they told everyone they had to go, they had to go warn their dad. So they said their goodbyes and were off but then Julia's mom stopped them and asked if they would take Julia with them, they said they would and then he...

  • Loot a Burning House 趁火打劫

    13-03-05 Loot a Burning House 趁火打劫 探源 Origin 英文:In the story of Journey to the West, Xuan Zang and his disciples embarked on a pilgrimage to India to obtain Buddhist scriptures. They passed through a temple on the way to their destination. The abbot...

  • 西班牙某机构设计出智能住宅

    13-03-01 For internet addicts, it could be the ultimate way to stay in touch - an entire apartment turned into a giant, online screen. 对于网虫族而言,足不出户又能保持跟外界联系的最高境界就是住在一间巨大的、由在线屏幕组成的智能住宅里。 One of the prototype a...

  • The little pink rose

    13-01-23 Once there was a little pink Rosebud, and she lived down in a little dark house under the ground. One day she was sitting there, all by herself, and it was very still. Suddenly, she heard a little tap, tap, tap, at the door. Who is that? she said. I...

  • Me with the keys to you

    12-12-07 Awareness of women and men, the men moved to a woman's house, they live together. Woman's house is very old, red brick wall crawling vines, the growth of spring green, autumn red leaves. Male moved, the woman started to become very busy. Each mornin...

  • “房奴”的翻译

    12-10-31 如今,房奴的翻译也成了热点问题。新出版的两部汉英字典都在做产品宣传时着重介绍了这个词的翻译。《汉英大辞典》的翻译简单些,只有对应词 mortgage slave,《汉英词典》则复杂些mortgage slave; house slave (someone under the pressure of paying back housing mor...

  • 千镜之屋

    12-10-19 Long ago in a small, faraway village, there was a place known as the House of 1000 Mirrors. A small, happy little dog learned of this place and decided to visit. When he arrived, he hounced happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house. He looke...

  • house-for-pension scheme 以房养老

    12-08-28 It was released in the document that the government will accelerate the establishment of a tax-deferred pension insurance system and explore the house-for-pension scheme . 根据文件,(广州)政府将加快推进延税型养老保险制度,并探索发展以房养老。 文中...

  • The story of an hour

    12-08-16 Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with(折磨) a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death. It was her sister Josephine who told her, in broken sentences, veiled hints that reveal...

  • 《拜见岳父大人3》三

    12-07-27 精彩对白 Kevin: Hey, everybody. Hello. Jack: Kevin. Kevin: J.B. Oh! Good to see you. Focker: There he is! The engaged guy! Kevin: How you doing, man? Oh! What happened to your pointer ? Focker: I had a little incident with the business end of a turk...