21-02-28 The hope many smokers have of being able to enjoy their habit without restrictions might go up in smoke as the World Health Organisation (WHO) calls for a ban on e-cigarettes indoors. The organisation believes this alternative to conventional cigare...
20-12-08 动词 expect、wait 和 hope 都可以用来谈论将来要发生的事情,但它们的意思不同。动词 expect 表示 某事可能会发生;动词 wait 表示 花时间等待某事发生;动词 hope 表示 盼望某事会发生。 1 Expect 动词 expect(预计) 表示 某事可能会发生。Expect 后接不定式 to do...
20-12-05 1. If you _______ bullies, they will never leave you alone. a) give into b) stand up for c) give up d) stand up to 2. Never let anyone _______ when youre trying to be successful. a) give way b) stand by c) give up d) stand in your way 3. However bad...
20-11-11 OH, dear! Must you really go home Saturday? said Fan, some days after what Tom called the grand scrimmage. I really must; for I only came to stay a month and here Ive been nearly six weeks, answered Polly, feeling as if she had been absent a year. M...
20-11-08 短语 hope against hope 的意思是 某人寄希望于一件不太可能发生的事情。它有时也用来表达某人在绝望的情况下抱着一线希望。Hope against hope 是一个动词短语,所以其中的第一个 hope 应根据时态和主语的变化而改变。 例句 After hearing about the accident, familie...
20-11-08 表达 hope for the best 被用来表示 人们希望一件事情能有个好结果,要尽量往好处想。但通常情况下,人们使用这个表达来暗示事情的结果可能不尽人意。 例句 I dont know if Ive got the job yet. Ill just have to wait and hope for the best. 我还不知道我是不是得到...
20-11-08 人们用 hope springs eternal 这句话来表达 希望总是存在的,即使它看起来不太可能。它可以被用来描述一件不太可能发生但我们希望它发生的事情。 这个说法出自18世纪英国诗人亚历山大蒲柏(Alexander Pope)的诗歌《人论》,诗中写道:Hope springs eternal in the hum...
20-11-05 Break Someones Heart 伤透某人的心 Definition: Hurt someone, usually romantically, or to cause some great disappointment. 定义:伤害某人,通常是浪漫的,或者引起一些极大的失望。 Angela broke Brads heart last year. He cant get over her. 安吉拉去年伤了...
20-10-18 1. Heres a little something for you.这是我的一点心意。 搭配a little something的意思是小礼物。 2. Ive got you a present.我给你准备了一份礼物。 名词present除了有现在、当前的意思以外,还可以表示礼物、赠品。 你也可以说:Ive got a present for you.。 3. L...
20-09-30 While Laurie and Amy were taking conjugal strolls over velvet carpets, as they set their house in order, and planned a blissful future, Mr. Bhaer and Jo were enjoying promenades of a different sort, along muddy roads and sodden fields. I always do t...