• hold your horses 沉住气

    22-01-22 遇到问题时要沉住气,不要着急,笑到最后的才是赢家。 沉住气,比喻能克制感情,力求镇静,提醒人们遇事应沉着冷静、切勿急躁。与英文谚语hold your horses意思相近,表示Wait a moment or be patient (often because you are moving too quickly or thoughtlessly)。...

  • not hold water 站不住脚的

    22-01-22 在中文里,当我们形容一种观点或理论经不起推敲与反驳、存在漏洞时,常常说这种观点是站不住脚的,它与英文俗语not hold water意思相近,表示to not be or not appear to be true, verifiable, or able to be supported by facts。 例句: 反对者反对这项法案的论点站...

  • make up and be friends again 握手言欢

    21-12-29 握手言欢,汉语成语,意思是握手谈笑(hold hands and chat cheerfully),多形容发生不和,以后又和好。可以翻译为make up and be friends again,shake hands and make up a quarrel等。 例句: 他俩拌过嘴,但已经握手言欢。 They quarreled, but they shook hands...

  • hold your horses 别着急

    21-12-28 这个短语是用来告诉别人应该停下来仔细考虑他们对某件事情的看法或意见。 例句 Hold your horses! Youve only known her for a week. Its way too soon to think about marriage! Hold your horses! You shouldnt quit your job just because youve had one bad day. T...

  • old the fort 临时代管处理事物

    21-08-30 如果你 hold the fort 那就是说临时代管处理事物。 例句 When Michael, the boss, went on holiday, he asked me to hold the fort at our company. Im just going out to the shops for 20 minutes, can you hold the fort? 请注意 另一个包含 fort 一词的短语是 to b...

  • hold your horses 仔细考虑

    21-08-10 在英语里,我们常用 hold your horses 这个短语来告诉别人应停下来仔细考虑他们对某件事情的看法或意见。 例句 Hold your horses! Youve only known her for a week. Its way too soon to think about marriage! Hold your horses! You shouldnt quit your job just be...

  • hold your tongue 保持缄默

    21-08-04 如果有人让你 hold your tongue, 那意思就是让你闭嘴,别说了,尤其是在你说了不中听的话时。 例句 Im going to have to hold my tongue because I keep saying what I think and people get upset! I had to tell Jane to hold her tongue; what she was saying didnt...

  • hold one's horse 忍耐,镇静,别冲动

    21-06-04 1 hold ones horse 忍耐,镇静,别冲动。 Dad, please hold your horse before you get mad at me... 爸,在对我发火之前,请你忍耐一下 2 clothes horse 爱打扮,赶时髦的人。 Princess Diana was a real clothes horse. Its hard to imagine how much she had spent...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 33

    21-05-07 The conference was neither so short nor so conclusive as the lady had designed. The gentleman was not so easily satisfied. He had all the disposition to persevere that Sir Thomas could wish him. He had vanity, which strongly inclined him in the firs...

  • Annunciation

    14-09-29 Annunciation Robin Robertson after Fra Angelico He has come from the garden, leaving no shadow, no footprint in the dew: They hold each other's gaze at the point of balance: everything streaming towards this moment, streaming away. A word will set t...