• disclose everything 和盘托出

    22-10-25 和盘托出,汉语成语,形容一个人毫无保留地将自己所知道的事情都说出来。可以翻译为disclose everything,hold nothing back等。 例句: 把事实真相和盘托出 Disclose the whole truth 把自己的想法和盘托出 Reveal everything in ones mind...

  • whet somebody's appetite 吊胃口

    22-09-01 说话时吊一吊胃口,能给他人留下想象的空间,更能激发人的好奇心和求知欲。 吊胃口,本意指用好吃的东西引起人的食欲(arouse the appetite),现在多比喻让人产生欲望或兴趣(increase someones interest in and wish for something),引起兴趣而不给予满足,可以翻...

  • hold all the cards 掌控整体局势,占上风

    22-06-10 hold all the cards to be in a strong position 持有所有的牌 - 掌控整体局势,占上风 例句: Management found that the trade union held all the cards during the pay talks. 管理层发现工会在整个薪资讨论过程中一直占上风。...

  • hole up 躲藏

    22-05-07 hole up 躲藏 Hole up in a house somewhere. Disappear for a few weeks. 找栋房子窝着,消失几个礼拜。 Notes:hole up表示躲藏,避难,例句如下: Its snowing heavily. I wanna hole up in my bedroom and finish this novel. 外面雪下得好大。我要窝在卧室里把这本...

  • 一些地道实用的出国点餐用语

    22-04-21 1.Can I have ......, please? 中国人特别喜欢说I want ...; 因为中国人点餐都是给我来个这个,我要那个;但对很多外国服务员来说,特别不礼貌。用Can I have ..., please的句型就显得特别常见与礼貌。 例句:Can I have a glass of water, please? 2. Were gonna need...

  • Deepak Chopra成功学之感受当下 下

    22-04-15 Hold on to that. Hold on to the presence in which experience happens and recognize that experiences in time. 抓住它。抓住体验发生的当下,及时感受那些体验。 But you, that which has the experience is not in time. 但是你要知道,那些体验不是实时的。 The...