• 国产直升机AC312E通过稳定性飞行测试

    18-08-03 The Chinese-developed AC312E light civilian helicopter has passed its stability flight test, a key performance test for helicopters, its developer announced Thursday. 中国产轻型民用直升机AC312E已经通过稳定性飞行测试,对于直升机来说这是一项关键性能测...

  • Z-19E武装直升机完成发射飞行测试

    18-05-17 Chinas domestic Z-19E armed helicopter has completed firing flight tests. 中国国产Z-19E武装直升机完成发射飞行测试。 The Z-19E has shown its maneuverability and operational capability in the just concluded firing flight test phase, which marks a majo...

  • 中国新航母完成直升机起降测试

    18-05-06 On Saturday morning a carrier-based helicopter landed and took off from Chinas first domestically developed aircraft carrier for the first time, reports Global Times. 《环球时报》报道,周六上午,一架舰载直升机在中国首艘国产航母上首次完成起飞和降落测...

  • 土耳其军用直升机在叙利亚坠毁 2人丧生

    18-02-11 A Turkish military combat helicopter crashed on Saturday in northwestern Syrias Afrin during the ongoing operation, and two soldiers were killed, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said. 土耳其总理比纳利耶尔德勒姆透露,一架军用战斗直升机周六在叙...

  • 空客在中国建直升机工厂

    17-05-28 Airbus Groups helicopter manufacturing arm began construction of its first assembly line for commercial aircraft in China Saturday. 空客集团直升机制造部门周六在中国开始首条装配线的建设工作。 The plant, located in the city of Qingdao in eastern China...

  • 韩国一架军事直升机坠毁 3人死亡

    16-02-15 Three South Korean military personnel have been killed on Monday when their helicopter crashed in the country's east region, Yonhap news agency cited military authorities as reporting. 韩国联合通讯社援引军方报道,本周一一架直升机在东部地区坠毁,三名...

  • 天津将举办直升机展览

    15-09-08 A helicopter exhibition is set to begin tomorrow in Tianjin. 明天天津将举办一场直升机展览。 The exhibition, which will run from Wednesday to Sunday, is being put together to try to encourage sales in the civilian helicopter market, which just opened...

  • helicopter hailing through a click 一键叫飞机

    15-05-26 People who want to have the experience of helicopter hailing through a click can try the service offered by a ride-hailing app operated by taxi-hailing company Didi Kuaidi. Though operating only two routes, the APEC air travel and Beijing-Tianjin ro...

  • helicopter girlfriend 直升机女友

    14-09-02 Helicopter girlfriend is a hovering, slightly neurotic, but well-meaning, girlfriend who gets way too involved in her partner's day to day activities to the point of interfering with their activities and choices. 直升机女友指整天围着男友转,稍微有点...

  • 联合国一架直升机在南苏丹坠毁

    14-08-27 The UN says one of its cargo helicopters has crashed in South Sudan, with unconfirmed reports saying it was shot down. 联合国一架货运直升机在南苏丹坠毁,有未经证实的消息称该机是被击落的。 Three crew died, while one survived, said the UN mission in S...