• a happy place 快乐之地,乐园

    21-05-18 人们常用 a happy place(一个快乐的地方) 来描述 一个熟悉的地点、活动或一段记忆,它能使某人感到放松、开心或忘掉烦心事。你也可以用 someones happy place 来具体说明 让某人感到快乐的地方,某人的乐园。 例句 When Im stressed, I often go to my happy place a...

  • Mansfield Park - Chapter 26

    21-05-07 Williams desire of seeing Fanny dance made more than a momentary impression on his uncle. The hope of an opportunity, which Sir Thomas had then given, was not given to be thought of no more. He remained steadily inclined to gratify so amiable a feel...

  • as happy as a pig in muck 乐不可支

    21-04-29 小猪喜欢在泥巴里滚来滚去,虽然弄得一身脏,却乐在其中。表达 as happy as a pig in muck 就借这一情景来比喻一个人 高兴得不得了、乐不可支。这个说法多用来描述因自身情况或目前的状态而感到非常高兴,而不能形容因为某件具体的事情而开心。 除了 as happy as a pig...

  • settle down 安顿下来

    21-04-28 有人享受各处奔波的乐趣,而有的人则渴望安定。搭配 settle down 的常用意思包括 适应新环境,安顿下来;它还可以用来表示 和伴侣一起安定下来,定居某处。在交流中,可以根据自己想表达的具体意思,灵活运用。 例句 My son used to go out and party all the time. It...

  • to the satisfaction of all 皆大欢喜

    21-04-09 很多人追剧或看电影时,都期盼着一个皆大欢喜的结局。皆大欢喜,汉语成语,意思是人人都高兴满意(Everybody is happy.),皆表示都(all; each and every)。可以翻译为to the satisfaction of all。 例句: 不过,像这样皆大欢喜的结局,终究是少之又少。 Such happy...

  • as long as you're happy 你开心就好

    21-03-21 as long as youre happy 这种表达看起来虽然很中式,其实歪果仁也是能get到哒!而且表达的情绪是中性的,要看你在什么情况下对谁用。 例句: As long as youre happy, I could do anything for you. 只要你开心,我什么都愿意。(别,我不愿意) good for you 这个表面...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 25

    21-03-17 Emmas very good opinion of Frank Churchill was a little shaken the following day, by hearing that he was gone off to London, merely to have his hair cut. A sudden freak seemed to have seized him at breakfast, and he had sent for a chaise and set off...

  • 花1分钟学什么能终身受益

    21-03-11 Here are two quick and effective one-minute relaxation techniques that can be done anywhere 这有两个快而有效的一分钟放松技巧,可以随时随地做。 1.Relax your lower jaw for one minuteclose your eyes then open your mouth as widely as possiblelet your lo...

  • 我们需要更多的假期吗?

    21-02-27 I live in London and Im looking forward to 4 May. Its our next bank holiday. We have a total of eight of these in England and Wales. Im planning to grab a beach towel, some suntan lotion and go to the coastal town of Brighton for the day. Some of my...

  • 金钱能买来幸福吗?

    21-02-24 你同意金钱买不来幸福这个观点吗?一项新的研究结果发现在特定的环境中,有时花费金钱确实可以买来开心。 What would make you happy? Really happy? A nice holiday, lazing on a tropical beach? Maybe a blowout meal with friends at a swanky restaurant? Or poss...