• 寡妇杀手拒绝以劳动换假释

    23-01-29 以几个小时的劳动来换取一点自由应该是很小的代价。可是意大利最臭名昭著的犯人之一,黑寡妇,却断然拒绝了法庭提出的假释条件。她在1998年因谋杀罪被判29年。 Patrizia Reggiani once said shed rather cry in a Rolls (Royce) than be happy on a bicycle. She doesn...

  • 《灰姑娘》序

    22-12-20 Once upon a time, there lived a handsome man and a beautiful woman. They were kind gentle and generous to all. The man worked hard to make his wife happy, and his wife loved him wildly. They lived in a quaint home in the middle of a beautiful kingdo...