• 小米否认产品美国上市的报道

    16-02-03 Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi has denied reports that its products will make a debut in the US. 中国智能手机生产商小米公司否认了其产品将在美国上市的报道。 Earlier, media reports suggest the carrier US Mobile would import a range of Xiaomi handsets...

  • mobile phone elbow 手机肘

    16-01-08 Now those who just can't stop chatting into their handsets are facing a new menace - mobile phone elbow . 如今,沉迷于用手机聊天的人面临一种新麻烦手机肘。 Known in medical jargon as cubital tunnel syndrome, sufferers experience weakness in their han...

  • 美国公司发明能浮在水面的手机

    15-09-30 More than 82 millions phones are damaged each year after being dropped down the toilet, into swimming pools or lost at the beach. 每年都有超过8200万部手机因为掉进厕所、泳池或在海滩上丢失而损坏。 A number of waterproof handsets have been released to...

  • 手机解锁图形很容易被犯罪分子猜到

    15-08-28 A study shows that most of us use similar patterns to unlock our handsets, meaning they could be easily guessed by criminals. 一项研究显示,我们多数人都会使用相似的图形来解锁手机。这就意味着,解锁图形很容易地就会被犯罪分子猜到。 More than three quar...

  • 小米可临时在印度销售红米1S

    14-12-17 Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi can continue to sell some of its handsets in India until January 8, 2015, as the Delhi High Court on Tuesday partially lifted a ban it ordered a week earlier. 印度德里高等法院周二部分解除了一周前发布的禁令,允许中国智...

  • 苹果:掰弯iPhone 6“很罕见”

    14-09-26 Apple has responded to claims that its new handsets are prone to bending by saying such damage would be rare during normal use. 苹果对iPhone 6容易弯曲一事作出回应,称这种损坏在正常使用中会很罕见。 This image was posted to the MacRumors website by a...

  • 黑莓发布新款手机Passport

    14-09-25 Blackberry has launched a distinctive handset featuring a square screen and a keyboard that offers both physical keys and touch-enabled gesture controls. 黑莓发布一款独具特色的手机,该手机配有一方形屏幕和一块可以同时提供物理按键与触摸手势功能的键盘...

  • 安卓One手机开始在印度销售

    14-09-15 The first Android One handsets go on sale in India. 首批安卓One手机开始在印度销售。 The handsets provide a minimum set of features determined by Google, which has sourced several of the components to help cut manufacturing costs. The company has als...

  • Bluejacking 蓝牙劫持

    12-07-03 Bluejacking means temporarily hijacking another person's cell phone by sending it an anonymous text message using the Bluetooth wireless networking system. Bluetooth works over a range of about 10 metres and phones fitted with it can be made to sear...

  • 两海湾国家禁用黑莓手机部分功能

    10-08-02 Two Gulf states have announced bans on some functions of the Blackberry mobile phone, claiming security concerns. 考虑到安全问题,海湾地区两个国家宣布禁止黑莓手机的部分功能。 The UAE denies censorship is involved The United Arab Emirates is to block...