• 保护海马的生态环境

    22-01-22 These underwater meadows of seagrass provide a vital habitat, teeming with wildlife. 这一片片水下的海草地提供了一个重要的栖息地,野生动植物生长繁盛。 And its where you can find the spiny seahorse. Its a protected species and Studland Bay [UK] is a m...

  • 我国正式设立第一批国家公园

    21-10-13 10月12日,我国正式设立三江源、大熊猫、东北虎豹、海南热带雨林、武夷山等第一批国家公园。 The protected land area of the national parks is 230,000 square kilometers and they cover nearly 30 percent of the key terrestrial wildlife species found in China...

  • 与“老虎”有关的词汇

    21-10-02 老虎在文学和影视作品里常被塑造成战无不胜而勇猛的形象。然而,随着人类活动对老虎栖息地的影响,野生老虎的数量在不断减少。为了促进人们对野生虎的保护意识,每年的7月29日被确立为世界老虎日。你知道几个用于描述老虎的英语词汇?试做本集《英语小测验》。 1. Tige...

  • 云南北移亚洲象群平安回归适宜栖息地

    21-08-11 8月8日20时许,云南北移亚洲象群14头大象已跨过元江,平安回归适宜栖息地。 A herd of wild Asian elephants that has wandered Southwest Chinas Yunnan province for more than 17 months appears to be heading home to its traditional habitat in Xishuangbanna N...

  • 云南15头野生亚洲野象北迁动态备受关注

    21-06-01 近日,云南亚洲野象群北迁动态备受关注。 The 15 wild Asian elephants are now wandering in the Hongta district of Yuxi, following a long journey from Yunnan provinces southmost prefecture starting from April 16. As of Sunday morning, the elephants were...

  • 非洲象被列为濒危物种

    21-04-09 The largest land animals on Earth. But their size has not protected them from the impacts of poaching or from the continued destruction of the vast swathes of interconnected habitat they need. 它们是地球上最大的陆生动物。但庞大的体型并不能保护它们免...

  • 亚洲及美国的鸟类数量 “陷入危机”

    20-11-21 两项主要研究显示,亚洲及美国的鸟类总数 陷入危机。研究发现,美国和加拿大的鸟类数量在 50 年内减少了30亿只。 Bird markets on Java, Indonesias most densely populated island, are a cacophony of song. This is a trade fuelled by a national passion for bird...

  • 食物匮乏导致细腰蜂体型变小

    16-03-27 According to a recent study, the size of a common ground-nesting bee - an important crop pollinator - has grown smaller in heavily farmed landscapes. The link between intensive agriculture and the size of Andrena nasonii bees has important implicati...

  • 华盛顿葡萄园吸引大批蝴蝶栖息

    15-05-12 Washington wine grape vineyards experimenting with sustainable pest management systems are seeing an unexpected benefit: an increase in butterflies. Over the years, loss in natural habitat has seen the decline in numbers of around 50 species of butt...