• 引水灌溉导致恒河豚数量下降

    14-07-19 Removal of river water for irrigation and habitat fragmentation(生境破碎化) by irrigation dams were shown to be the principal factors contributing to the decline of the Indus river dolphin, according to a study published July 16, 2014 in the open-...

  • 猩猩为何离开树木在陆地生活

    14-02-14 Orangutans come down from the trees and spend more time on the ground than previously realised -- but this behaviour may be partly influenced by humans, a new study has found. Dr Mark Harrison, based in the Department of Geography at the University...

  • 气候变化下为生物多样性寻找安全港

    14-01-14 Researchers have found a way to project future habitat locations under climate change, identifying potential safe havens for threatened biodiversity. Associate Professor Grant Wardell-Johnson and Dr Gunnar Keppel from the Curtin University Institute...

  • 濒危鬼狒急需扩大栖息地

    13-07-11 The population of the critically endangered large primate known as the drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus) has been largely reduced to a few critical habitat areas in Cameroon, according to a recently published study by researchers with the San Diego Zoo...

  • 非洲大猿类动物栖息地骤降

    12-09-28 Great apes, such as gorillas, chimps and bonobos, are running out of places to live, say scientists. 科学家称,大猿类动物(比如大猩猩、黑猩猩和倭黑猩猩)的生存之地即将耗...

  • 加州黑寡妇蜘蛛逐渐被棕寡妇取代

    12-07-05 Brown widow spiders are relatively new to North America, where they were first documented in Florida in 1935, and even newer to southern California, where they were only recently discovered in 2003. However, in the last decade they have been so succ...

  • 物种灭绝速率“被高估”

    11-05-19 Current extinction rate projections may be overestimating the role of habitat loss on species, a study suggest. 一项研究显示,现有物种灭绝速率预测可能高估了栖息地缺失对物种的影响。 The authors acknowledge that the study does not mean concerns for bi...

  • 老虎在地球上的最后一批栖息地

    10-09-15 NEW YORK ( Embargoed禁止,限制 until September 14, 2010: 5:00 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time) A new peer-reviewed paper by the Wildlife Conservation Society and other groups reveals an ominous(不吉利的) finding: most of the world's last remaining tigerslo...

  • 气候变化导致千屈菜向北“迁移”

    10-02-27 The flowering plant(开花植物) - purple loosestrife(千屈菜) - has been heading north since it was first introduced from Europe to the eastern seaboard 150 years ago. This exotic(外来的,异国的) invader chokes out native species and has dramatic...

  • 加拿大马尼托巴湖附近发现灰熊踪迹

    10-02-24 Biologists affiliated with(交往) the American Museum of Natural History and City College of the City University of New York have found that grizzly(灰色的) bears are roaming(闲逛,漫步) into what was traditionally thought of as polar bear habi...