• 美国音乐界近两百名艺人要求立法管制枪支

    16-06-27 Nearly 200 entertainers and influential executives from the music industry signed a letter to Congress urging lawmakers to take action on gun control legislation in the wake of two Orlando shooting tragedies. 奥兰多接连发生两起枪杀悲剧,音乐界近两百...

  • 美国某餐厅让女店员配枪上班

    15-01-19 A restaurant owner insists that of all her waitresses openly carry fully-loaded guns and encourages diners to tip with bullets after a man was killed onsite. 因一名男子在店外被杀,美国一家餐厅的老板让所有女店员公开配枪上班,而且是上满子弹的真枪,并...

  • 枪支主题婚礼盛行美国

    13-01-10 Shotgun-themed weddings continue to boom in the US despite the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school that saw a gunman pick off 26 people. 尽管刚刚发生了桑迪霍克小学枪击悲剧事件,26人被持枪者杀害,但以枪为主题的婚礼在美国还是很盛行。 The L...

  • 洛杉矶警方用购物卡换枪支

    13-01-04 Police traded gift cards for guns in Los Angeles on Wednesday, in a buyback program Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa announced as a crime-fighting response to the deadly shooting rampage in Newtown, Connecticut. 周三洛杉矶警方开展回收枪支活动,用购物卡换...

  • 美国德州议会拟允许枪支进入校园

    11-02-26 美国德克萨斯州拟通过法案允许教师和学生持枪进入校园,德州一半以上的众议员都已在此项提案上联合署名,该州州长也表示支持此案。 Texas is preparing to give college students and professors the right to carry guns on campus, adding momentum to a national ca...

  • 情人节特别促销:枪支换情趣用品

    11-02-19 A shop in the US state of Alabama on Tuesday launched a Valentine's Day offer it hopes will trigger a large response in a limp economy: customers can swap their guns for sex toys. 美国阿拉巴马州的一家商店周二推出了一个情人节特别活动:顾客可以用枪来...
