• 美国德州发生枪击案 两人死亡

    12-08-14 A gunman has shot and killed a police officer and a civilian near a university in the US state of Texas. 美国德克萨斯州一持枪歹徒在一座大学附近射杀了一名警官和一位平民。 Several others have been admitted to hospital after being wounded in the shooti...

  • 科罗拉多州枪击案不会引发枪支管制

    12-07-28 当地时间20日凌晨,美国科罗拉多州丹佛市《蝙蝠侠3》首映礼现场发生枪击事件,导致12人死亡,数十人受伤。此次枪击事件再次引发人们对于美国枪支管理的讨论,不过分析人士认为这并不会带来任何实质性的变革。 Denver Mayor Michael Hancock is a member of a coalition...

  • 委内瑞拉禁止民众非法持有枪支

    12-06-01 Venezuela has brought a new gun law into effect which bans the commercial sale of firearms and ammunition. 委内瑞拉已实行一项新的枪支管理法:禁止武器弹药的商业销售。 Until now, anyone with a gun permit could buy arms from a private company. Under th...

  • 美国人逐渐认同同性恋婚姻与持枪权利

    12-04-30 More Americans are in favor of gay marriage, and more place the importance of gun owner rights above gun control, according to a new Pew Research Center poll. 皮尤调查中心的投票结果显示,越来越多的美国人支持同性恋婚姻,同时,越来越多的美国人认为持枪...

  • 瑞士将公投枪支控制问题

    11-02-13 Voters in Switzerland are due to go to the polls in a referendum aimed at restricting gun ownership. 瑞士选民将要就限制枪支所有权问题进行全民公投。 Sport shooting is very popular in Switzerland If approved, it would end the long practice of Swiss me...

  • 美最高法院扩充枪支所有权

    10-06-29 The US Supreme Court has restricted the rights of state and city governments to enforce controls on gun ownership. 美国最高法院限制各州和城市政府的权力以加强对枪支所有权的控制。 Some cities like Chicago have strict firearms rules The US's highest co...

  • 法国警方成功阻止一起校园枪击案

    09-11-18 Police in a town near Paris have foiled a 13-year-old boy's plan to shoot his teachers and himself after being warned by his parents, officials say. 巴黎附近一座小城的警方阻止了一名13岁男孩的疯狂计划:开枪射杀老师然后自??The Roman Catholic school...

  • Guns Buried in the Garden 埋在花园里的枪

    09-10-17 Guns Buried in the Garden An old man lived alone in Northern Ireland. His only son was in prison. The old man wanted to plant some potatoes in his garden but he didn't know anyone who would help him plow up the garden. He wrote to his son about it,...

  • Deadly gun battle in Gaza mosque 加沙清真寺发生致命枪战

    09-08-15 At least 13 people have been killed and at least 85 injured in a fierce gun battle in Gaza, emergency services say. 紧急情况服务小组称,在加沙发生的一起枪战中至少13人死亡、85人受伤。 Abdel-Latif Moussa was surrounded by armed supporters in the mosqu...

  • Three shot dead by US gym gunman 美国一男子体育馆射杀三人

    09-08-05 A man has killed at least three people at a gymnasium in the US state of Pennsylvania, before shooting himself. 宾夕法尼亚一人在体育馆射杀至少三人,随后自杀。 Another 10 people were injured by gunfire in the town of Bridgeville near Pittsburgh, afte...