• a paid test-taker 枪手

    21-11-15 枪手本意指射击手(shooter),意思是a person who shoots a gun,常见表达如神枪手(sharpshooter)。 除此之外,枪手还有一个十分常见的含义,比喻替别人代笔作文(ghostwrite for somebody)的人,古人称之为捉刀人。现在,枪手也可以指冒名顶替代为考试并获取相应...

  • 梵高自杀用枪16.25万欧元拍卖

    19-06-21 The revolver with which Vincent van Gogh is believed to have shot himself sold for 162,500 euros ($182,000) at a Paris auction on Wednesday -- nearly three times the estimate. 疑似文森特梵高用来自杀的一把左轮手枪周三在巴黎拍卖会上以162500欧元(18200...

  • 美国驻安卡拉大使馆遭枪击 无人员伤亡

    18-08-20 Unidentified assailants fired gun shots at the U.S. embassy in Ankara early Monday, hitting a window of a security cabin but causing no casualties, local media reported. 不明身份的袭击者周一早间枪击了美国驻安卡拉大使馆,一间安全屋的窗户损坏,没有发...

  • 美国民主党要求表决控枪立法案

    16-06-27 Democrats held a sit-in on the floor of the House of Representatives Wednesday and Thursday to demand a vote on gun control legislation. 美国当地时间周三(6月22日)和周四(6月23日),民主党议员在众议院静坐,要求就控枪立法案进行表决。 Georgia Democra...

  • executive order 行政令

    16-03-16 President Obama has announced his plans Tuesday for an executive order that will expand background checks for firearm purchases and put more resources into gun control enforcement. 1月5日,美国总统奥巴马宣布将通过行政令来扩大购枪者的背景调查,动用更...

  • 奥巴马将推出枪支控制举措

    16-01-05 U.S. President Barack Obama said Monday that he will roll out gun-control initiatives over the next several days, stressing that the measures will be entirely consistent with the constitutional right to bear arms. 本周一,美国总统奥巴马宣布,未来几...

  • 美国加州发生枪击案

    15-12-04 Americans were exposed to the terror of mass gun violence again on Wednesday, this time at a social services center in San Bernardino, California. The initial reports revealed a distressingly familiar pattern: A heavily armed active shooter or shoot...

  • 美国内华达州一中学枪击案 1死2伤

    13-10-25 A student at a Nevada middle school opened fire with a semi-automatic handgun on campus just before the starting bell Monday, wounding two 12-year-old boys and killing a math teacher who was trying to protect children from their classmate. 美国内华...

  • 美国男孩携带仿真枪被警察击毙

    13-10-24 A 13-year-old boy carrying a replica assault rifle has been shot dead by police in the US state of California. 美国加利福尼亚州一名13岁男孩因携带一把仿真冲锋枪而被警察击毙。 The replica gun resembled an AK-47, experts said Officers in the city of Sa...

  • 美国军火商强烈建议扩大武器禁售标准

    13-09-25 A scientific survey of gun dealers and pawnbrokers(当铺老板) in 43 U.S. states has found nearly unanimous support for denying gun purchases based on prior convictions(前科) and for serious mental illness with a history of violence or alcohol or...