• 伊利诺伊州将允许非公开携带枪支

    13-07-10 Illinois has become the last state in the US to allow residents to carry concealed handguns, after lawmakers overrode the governor's veto. 伊利诺伊州立法委员推翻了州长的否决,成为美国最后一个允许居民非公开携带枪支的州。 Large majorities in the state...

  • 加州发生枪击案 5人死亡

    13-06-08 At least five people are dead and several others injured after a gun rampage in the beachfront city of Santa Monica, California, police say. 加利福尼亚州海滨城市圣莫尼卡发生枪击案,至少五人死亡、多人受伤。 The attack began at a house and ended on a...

  • 3D打印枪支不可避免

    13-05-05 For months, a debate has raged in the media and on Capitol Hill about whether or not society (and the law) should allow 3D printed guns. 据cnet网站4月23日报道,几个月来,美国媒体以及国会一直在辩论是否应该允许3D打印枪支。但科迪威尔逊一席话,却让人顿...

  • 奥巴马呼吁国会通过枪支管制法

    13-04-09 US President Barack Obama appeared to fight back tears as he urged lawmakers to vote on gun control legislation that appears to be stalling in Congress. 美国国会关于枪支管制的立法似乎停滞,奥巴马总统强忍住泪水敦促国会议员通过这项立法。 Speaking in C...

  • 美国康涅狄格州出台严厉控枪法案

    13-04-03 美国康涅狄格州立法会最近提出了一份控枪立法议案,禁止销售高载弹量弹夹,对所有私人枪支交易进行背景审查,同时对手中持有十颗以上子弹弹夹的用户进行登记。此外,该法案还规定,在该州购买任何武器需先获得资格证。 Connecticut state legislators have reached a d...

  • 奥巴马演讲 为了孩子减少枪支暴力事件的发生

    13-03-29 It has now been three months since the tragic events in Newtown, Connecticut. Three months since we lost 20 innocent children and six dedicated adults who had so much left to give. Three months since we, as Americans, began asking ourselves if we're...

  • gun control 枪支管控

    13-01-28 The shooting on Friday at a movie theater in Aurora, a suburb of Denver, Colorado, that left 12 dead and 58 injured, sent the United States into mourning over the weekend and reignited calls for tougher gun control . 上周五发生在科罗拉多州丹佛市郊奥...

  • 奥巴马演讲 呼吁国会采取行动反对枪支暴力

    13-01-25 Hi, everybody. This week, I announced a series of concrete steps we should take to protect our children and our communities from gun violence. These proposals grew out of meetings Vice President Biden and his task force held over the last month with...

  • 奥巴马对武器禁令表示支持

    12-12-19 US President Barack Obama wants to reinstate an assault weapons ban in the wake of the mass killings in Newtown, Connecticut, his spokesman says. 美国总统奥巴马的发言人称,康奈迪克州纽镇的枪击案促使奥巴马想恢复对攻击性武器的禁令。 Jay Carney said th...

  • 美国校园枪击案引发枪支管理法改革争论

    12-12-18 Two pro-gun US senators have called for changes to firearm laws, as the first victims of the 26 victims of Newtown school shootings were buried. 美国纽镇校园枪击案首位受害者已经下葬,两位支持拥有枪支的参议员呼吁改变枪支管理法。 Democrats Mark Warner...