• 我国粮食产量连续8年稳定在1.3万亿斤

    22-12-20 国家统计局12日发布关于2022年粮食产量数据的公告。2022年,全国粮食总产量13730.6亿斤,比上年增加73.6亿斤,增长0.5%,粮食产量连续8年稳定在1.3万亿斤以上。 China has seen another year with a bumper grain harvest despite the impact of extreme weather and C...

  • 中国有能力保障本国的粮食安全

    22-07-08 专家指出,尽管外部形势日益恶劣,全球粮食生产和贸易面临着气候变化、疫情、战乱等因素带来的挑战,但是中国仍然有能力保障本国的粮食安全。 Chinas grain security will not be disrupted by the impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and soaring prices of many...

  • 艺术家扔1000颗黄金米粒

    21-10-20 把钱扔水里,你能想象吗?真有人这么做了。 近日,艺术家杨烨炘搞了场行为艺术,用500克黄金打造了1000颗黄金米粒,然后一粒一粒扔进了黄浦江和上海的各个角落。杨烨炘称,想以这种行为艺术的方式来讽刺浪费粮食的行为。他表示我认为,粮食比黄金更珍贵。 Artist Yang...

  • grain circulation management 粮食流通管理

    21-04-13 国务院公布了修订后的《粮食流通管理条例》,自2021年4月15日起施行。《条例》指出,要强化粮食质量安全监管,建立健全粮食流通质量安全风险监测体系,规定粮食收购者收购粮食,应当按照国家有关规定进行质量安全检验。 The State Council unveiled a revised regulati...

  • 习近平到黑龙江进行考察

    18-09-26 Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday arrived in northeast Chinas Heilongjiang Province for an inspection tour. 中国国家主席习近平周二抵达黑龙江开始考察之旅。 Xi started his tour Tuesday afternoon at Jiansanjiang agricultural reclamation branch bu...

  • Cabochon

    13-08-20 Cabochon Nick Laird She still has some cousins in Leitrim, the tall nurse broadcasting our secret, and bright eyes bright as trinkets(小玩意儿) when her pink nail taps the screen. Between the coda and the dipped head a flicker in the quadrant's gr...

  • 石墨烯是世界上最硬的材料

    13-06-02 In a new study, published in Science, Columbia Engineering researchers demonstrate that graphene, even if stitched together from many small crystalline grains, is almost as strong as graphene in its perfect crystalline form. This work resolves a con...

  • super grain 超级水稻

    12-05-31 Yuan Longping, China's leading agricultural scientist, realized one of his 80th birthday wishes recently when his super grain brought yields of 13.9 tons of rice a hectare, setting a new world record for rice output. 中国顶尖农业科学家袁隆平近日实现...

  • 俄罗斯延长谷物出口禁令

    10-09-03 Russia will consider lifting its grain export ban only after the next year's harvest has been reaped, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has said. 俄罗斯总理普京称,直到明年粮食收获之后,俄罗斯才会考虑解除谷物出口禁令。 This year's crop in Russia...

  • 埃塞俄比亚将救援善款“用于武器购买”

    10-03-03 The BBC has evidence that millions of dollars, earmarked for victims of the Ethiopian famine of 1984-85, went to buy weapons. BBC有证据显示,埃塞俄比亚将指定用于1984、1985两年饥荒的数百万美元专款用在了武器购买上。 Max Peberdy (middle) says the aid m...
