09-12-10 British PM Gordon Brown and French President Nicolas Sarkozy have issued a joint call for urgent global reform of financial markets. 英国首相戈登布朗与法国总统尼古拉萨科奇发布一项联合公告,号召全球金融市场迫切进行改革。 The leaders say only global c...
09-11-21 非政府组织透明国际公布的2009年度清廉指数显示,在受评估的180个国家当中,新西兰以9.4分的成绩高居榜首,成为全球最清廉的国家,紧随其后的是得分9.3的丹麦,新加坡和瑞典则以9.2分并列第三。冲突不断的索马里和阿富汗分别以1.1分和1.3分在排名中垫底。该清廉指数采...
09-11-07 Divisions have emerged among G20 finance ministers over the best ways to scale back stimulus spending and tackle climate change, the BBC has learned. BBC了解到,G20峰会上各国财政部长对按比例缩减刺激性支出和处理气候变化的最佳方式产生了分歧。 Minister...
09-10-31 马尔代夫总统近日在首都北部一处20英尺(约合6米)深的海域举行了世界上首个水下内阁会议,希望以此引起世界各国对全球变暖问题的关注。这次水下内阁会议进行了30分钟,出席会议的内阁成员们都穿着专业潜水衣围坐在一个马蹄形的桌子旁边通过白板和手势互相交流。据称,...
09-10-20 Agreeing a new global climate treaty looks more do-able after London talks between the big-emitting nations, UK Climate Secretary Ed Miliband has said. 英国气候变化部大臣Ed Miliband称,废气排放大国之间的伦敦谈话之后,达成一项全球气候协议看起来更加可...
09-10-11 Circus entrepreneur and first clown in space Guy Laliberte has hosted a global artistic performance from the International Space Station (ISS). 国际空间站马戏团太空第一小丑Guy Laliberte举行了一场全球艺术表演。 Mr Laliberte said Earth appeared fragil...
09-09-23 A European spacecraft will begin its quest this week to make the most detailed global map of the Earth's gravity field. 一艘欧洲宇宙飞船本周将要绘制详细的全球重力场图片。 Goce can fly much lower than was expected The arrow-shaped Goce satellite can...
09-09-23 UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says a one-day climate change summit in New York has given fresh impetus to efforts to tackle global warming. 联合国秘书长潘基文称,纽约一日气候变化峰会对解决全球变暖起到了新的推动作用。 Ban Ki-moon, right, praised w...
09-08-15 A new study suggests that people from different cultures read facial expressions differently. 一项新研究显示,不同文化背景下的人面部表情不尽相同。 Facial expressions for fear and surprise were confused by some participants East Asian participants in...
09-07-22 H1N1 swine flu has killed more than 700 people around the world since the outbreak began four months ago, says the World Health Organization (WHO). 世界卫生组织称,自4个月前爆发以来H1N1猪流感在全球范围内已经导致700人致死。 The virus was first record...