• 现在完成时中for和since的用法

    21-09-25 在现在完成时中,for 和 since 用来补充说明一个动作或状态所持续的时间。在这两个词当中,for 用来说明动作或状态所延续的 时间段;since 用来提示动作从过去的一个 时间点 开始。做下面的测验题,巩固你对这两个词语在现在完成时中的用法理解。 1. Ive been waiting...

  • has a yellow streak 比较胆怯、不勇敢

    21-09-02 如果说某人 has a yellow streak, 那意思就是此人比较胆怯、不勇敢。 例句 We went rock climbing at the weekend. I loved it, but my friend refused to try it. Hes got a real yellow streak. The public accused the government minister of having a yellow stre...

  • 英语常见缩略语 进阶版

    21-09-01 JK just kidding开玩笑 LMAO laughing my ass off笑死 RUOK are you ok你还好吗 NP no problem没问题 WRU where are you你在哪 ASAP as soon as possible越快越好 BFF best friend forever死党 FYI/FYR for your information / for your reference供参考 AFAIK as far...

  • 研究:猫咪真的很爱主人

    21-08-12 猫咪通常被认为是比较独立的动物,大多数人认为猫很冷漠,过着相当孤独的生活,好像在它们眼里并没有主人这个概念,更不会对人有什么依恋性,但是,俄勒冈州立大学的一项研究发现,事实并非如此。 Cats have a rotten reputation as a cold and distant domesticated a...

  • has a yellow streak 胆怯、不勇敢

    21-08-09 如果说某人 has a yellow streak, 那意思就是此人比较胆怯、不勇敢。 例句 I invited my friend rock climbing at the weekend, but he refused. I told him to get rid of that yellow streak and show some courage! The public accused the government minister of...

  • to fancy someone 喜欢上了某个人

    21-07-21 如果你 fancy someone 那就说明你对某人有感觉,喜欢上了这个人。 例句 Hes fancied her ever since they first met at college, but hes never been brave enough to ask her out. Im sorry. I like you as a friend, but I dont fancy you. 请注意 如果把人换成物 to...

  • a shoulder to cry on 可倾诉的对象

    21-07-15 中文里我们会说:能借你的肩膀用一下吗?这是口语会话中向对方寻求安慰的一个常见说法。 而在英文里,a shoulder to cry on 可以依偎着哭泣的肩膀的含义和上面提到的说法相近,意思是愿意倾听苦衷、提供慰藉的人。 例句 Just so you know - if you ever need a shoulde...

  • 是你 点燃了我的生命!

    21-06-24 Be good to everyone who becomes attached to us; cherish every friend who is by our side; 善待,每一个和我们结缘的人;珍惜,我们身边的每一个朋友; love everyone who walks into our life. 爱,生命中,每一个和我们结缘的人。 It must be fate to get acquai...

  • someone likes the sound of their own voice 以自我为中心,滔

    21-06-15 表达 someone likes the sound of their own voice 某人喜欢自己的声音 幽默地描述了一个人总是以自我为中心,不让他人讲话,自己滔滔不绝,喋喋不休。这个表达含贬义,暗示此人认为自己的观点比其他人的都重要。 例句 My teacher really likes the sound of his own v...

  • A friend in need is a friend indeed 患难见真情

    21-06-06 患难见真情,意思是指只有经过共同的患难才能看出自己的知心朋友,与英文谚语A friend in need is a friend indeed意思相同,表示A true friend is a person who will help you when you really need help. 例句: 我脚踝骨折时,米歇尔在医院陪我。患难见真情。 Miche...