• Work: A Story of Experience - Chapter 15

    21-01-24 NOW it is all over. I shall never have another chance like that, and must make up my mind to be a lonely and laborious spinster all my life. Youth is going fast, and I have little in myself to attract or win, though David did call me good and lovely...

  • Work: A Story of Experience - Chapter 9

    21-01-24 MR. POWER. NEXT day Christie braved the lion in his den, otherwise the flinty Flint, in her second-class boarding-house, and found that alarm and remorse had produced a softening effect upon her. She was unfeignedly glad to see her lost lodger safe,...

  • Under the Lilacs - Chapter 10

    21-01-21 Thank you, maam, thats a tip-top book, specially the pictures. But I cant bear to see these poor fellows; and Ben brooded over the fine etching of the dead and dying horses on a battle-field, one past all further pain, the other helpless, but liftin...

  • have a falling out 大吵一架

    21-01-15 表达 have a falling out 指某人因与他人意见不合而与其 大吵一架,闹翻脸,从而导致彼此之间的关系变得不再友好。 例句 When I was younger I had a massive falling out with my sister over a toy I hid. I still feel guilty about it even though we get on reall...

  • BFF 最好的朋友

    20-12-03 BFF 是短语 best friend forever(永远的好朋友) 的首字母缩写形式。BFF 近来出现的频率越来越高,现在可以直接被当成一个名词使用,指某人 最好的朋友 或 最亲密的朋友。BFF 通常多用于年轻人的口语会话中,也可以用在书面文字中,不过书面形式多现于社交媒体的非正...

  • trust someone with your life 能够让你生死相托的人

    20-12-03 表达 trust someone with your life 用来表达你对一个人拥有完全的信任,甚至会把自己的生命托付给这个人。它暗示当你有需要时,这个人会不惜把自己置于危险的境地,毫不犹豫地帮助你,所以非常可靠。 例句 When I go mountain climbing, I always like to go with my...

  • 闺蜜

    20-11-25 ① best friend forever 死党,永远的朋友,是个很经典的表达,字面意思是永远的好朋友,一辈子的好朋友。 Although we fight we bicker, delight or even anger, you are my best friend forever. 吵架也好,斗嘴也好,开心也好,出气也好,你永远是我的最好的死党。...

  • be sick and tired of someone/something 对人或事物十分厌倦

    20-11-18 短语 be sick and tired of someone/something 用来表达你对某人或某事物感到非常厌烦,已经失去了耐心。 这个短语也可以简化为 be sick of someone/something。在介词 of 后可以加上使你厌倦的人名,或表事物的名词或动名词。 例句 Im sick and tired of Freya always...

  • The calm before the storm 暴风雨前的平静

    20-11-18 表达 the calm before the storm(暴风雨前的平静) 指 在苦难或冲突发生前的一段平静、稳定的时期。这段平静的时期可能会异常安静,因此其它时期会更引人注目或给人不详之感。这个表达中的名词 calm 可以用 lull 代替,意思不变,即 the lull before the storm。 例句...

  • An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 9

    20-11-11 THE first few weeks were hard ones, for Polly had not yet outgrown her natural shyness and going among so many strangers caused her frequent panics. But her purpose gave her courage, and when the ice was once broken, her little pupils quickly learne...