• Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 19

    22-07-13 At first Philip had been too grateful for Roses friendship to make any demands on him. He took things as they came and enjoyed life. But presently he began to resent Roses universal amiability; he wanted a more exclusive attachment, and he claimed a...

  • 谈论周末

    22-07-04 如果你想问朋友的周末打算,可以这样说: What are you doing this weekend? 你周末干嘛? Do you have anything going on this weekend? 周末有什么活动? Do you have any big plans for the weekend? 周末有啥计划吗? Do you have anything planned for this weeke...

  • Have a heart-to-heart talk 促膝长谈

    22-07-04 Have a heart-to-heart talk 与某人进行坦率且诚实的谈话,也就是促膝长谈 I think its time we had a heart-to-heart talk about your grades. 我觉得,我们是时候就你的成绩来一场促膝长谈了。 She called her friend Betty to have a heart-to-heart talk with her...

  • 正式介绍别人相识

    22-06-14 Id like to introduce you to my dear friend, Mr. Walker. 我想把你介绍给我亲爱的朋友,沃克先生。 Allow me to introduce my colleague, Ms. Smith. 请容许我介绍一下我的同事,史密斯小姐。 Let me introduce you to my colleague, Paul Walter. 让我把你介绍给我...

  • 20个地道英语表达 1

    22-05-27 1. Im good Im good除了可以用来回答How are you?,表示我很好之外,还常用于: - Do you want some chips with your sandwich? 你的三明治要带薯条吗? - No, Im good. Thanks. 不用了,谢谢。 - Do you have any questions? 你还有什么问题吗? - No, Im good. 没有...

  • 修饰动词的副词位置

    22-05-19 在英语中,我们用副词来修饰动词、形容词、其它副词或全句,往往起到补充说明或强调的作用。下面,我们来重点讲解修饰动词的副词在句子中的位置。先听三个例句,找出句子中的副词。 Examples I walk slowly. (我慢慢地走。) She read the document carefully. (她认...

  • stab in the back 暗箭伤人

    22-05-12 Stab in the back Meaning: This common phrase refers to a friend or acquaintance betraying you for their own personal gain. 这个常用的短语指朋友或熟人因为个人的一己私利而背叛了你。 Example: Such a vicious lie could be nothing but a stab in the back....

  • 老外常用的感叹词 上

    22-05-10 damn damn本身十分多变,使用起来很灵活。 1)可以用作形容词,解释为讨厌的,可恶的用来形容感情上的状态,还有完全的,十分的表示程度的意思。 I hate doing the damn laundry. 我讨厌洗这该死的衣服。 2)作为名词,表示一点,丝毫;诅咒; While it isnt worth a d...

  • 如何用英语拒绝搭讪

    22-04-13 1.Get out of here! 滚远一点。(这个一定惹恼了的。) 2.Leave me alone! 离我远一点!(同上,看不出我现在很烦啊!) 3.Im not available. 我已经名花有主了。(很委婉、很明确) 4.Not in this lifetime. 这辈子休想。(别不识相啦!) 5.Im expecting a fr...

  • Best-Behavior Friend 好行为朋友

    22-04-07 好朋友有亲密无间的BFF(Best Friend Forever,永远的好朋友),也有不那么坦诚的BBF(Best-Behavior Friend,好行为朋友)。你交过BBF吗? Best-Behavior Friend, also known as BBF; a friend whom you have very little in common with and you act on your best-be...