• A fascination for motorcycles 迷恋摩托车

    16-06-04 Our son, at age five, had a fascination for motorcycles. The sight of one would always bring forth squeal of delight, accompanied by excited remarks of look at that! Look at that! Im going to have one of those someday. His dads response always was N...

  • girl next door 邻家女孩

    16-06-03 Every guy may have his specific girl-next-door prototype, but in general, girl next door is cute and sweet, usually makes a really great friend, she may be very attractive, and is modest about it. 每个男人大概对邻家女孩都有自己特定的形象记忆,不过,...

  • buffer guest 暖场宾客

    16-05-30 A buffer guest is a close friend that you invite to a party ten or 15 minutes before the rest of the guests are scheduled to arrive. Buffer guest指关系较近、聚会时要求比其他宾客提前10到15分钟到场的朋友。我们可称之为暖场宾客。 This guest or group of...

  • 如何面对伤害过你的朋友

    16-05-24 We all have one of these. Some of us have more than one. By which I mean, a friend who we may laugh with, cry with, work side by side with, but who we know way deep down in our gut, in the place where intuition lies, doesnt wish the best for us. Thi...

  • Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 - Chapter 49

    16-05-05 The twilight was beginning to close in, when Mr. Brownlow alighted from a hackney-coach at his own door, and knocked softly. The door being opened, a sturdy man got out of the coach and stationed himself on one side of the steps, while another man,...

  • friendly fade 友好分手

    16-05-04 Friendly fade is a passive-aggressive method to break up with a friend without being hurtful. This method is NOT an abrupt process and can apply to just about anyone. Care should be taken when choosing this strategy: Friendly fade是用消极被动但意图...

  • What Motherhood Really Means

    16-04-21 Time is running out for my friend. While we are sitting at lunch, she casually mentions that she and her husband are thinking of starting a family. What she means is that her biological clock has begun its countdown, and she is being forced to consi...

  • inbox rot 对好友请求既不接受也不拒绝

    16-04-20 Inbox rot means to neither accept, nor decline a friend request from someone on social networking sites. This strategy is used in situations when you dont want to accept someones friend request, but you also dont want to be rude by declining them. I...

  • 大学校园里可能碰到的各色人等

    16-04-06 1. The Kiss-Ass 或者叫brown noser 迎合老师的马屁精 特点:无论教授说啥,他都会跟着重复一遍。 2. The Cheater 作弊痛犯 特点:考试的时候恨不得跟学习好的同学坐同一张凳子。 3. The Nightcrawler 神秘人,翘课之神 特点:只在开学、期中和期末的时候现身。 4. The...

  • Think of the good side 想想好的一面

    16-03-10 After a funeral, a friend comforted the new widow and said: Don't always think of sad side, and you should try to think of the good side. The widow thought for a while and said: This is the first time I know there he stay after 20 year. 葬礼完毕,朋...