09-12-21 If good friends fell from the sky like raindrops,I'd turn my umbrella upside down and have all that I need. 如果朋友象雨点一样由天而降,我会反转我的雨伞,接住我所需要的一切。 But friends do not come to us that way,instead they shoot up through the g...
09-11-28 在好莱坞明星中,马特达蒙跟本阿弗莱克相交甚密几乎无人不晓。二人因为出演《心灵捕手》而共获奥斯卡奖,马特达蒙也表示一直觉得两人相处就像家人一样。上个月,新英格兰族谱社交团体公布的一项研究结果发现,原来两人在几百年前真的是一家人。研究人员称,他们二人均...
09-11-26 In 1999, Ryan Hreljac (hurl-jack) and Jimmy Akana became pen pals(笔友). They lived on two continents, thousands of miles apart. Their lives could not have been more different. Ryan lived with his family in Kemptville, Canada, while Jimmy, an orph...
09-11-26 These days having a best friend seems so important to girls. You want to be special. However I have learned the hard way that having one best friend is not the way to go. It's so much better to have many great friends. As I was coming into Middle Sc...
09-11-12 My friend My friend must be a Bird Because it flies! Mortal, my friend must be, Because it dies! Barbs has it, like a Bee! Ah, curious friend! Thou puzzlest me! 我的朋友 我的朋友肯定是只鸟 因为它飞翔! 我的朋友肯定是个人, 因它会死亡! 它有倒刺,象蜜蜂...
09-09-29 Friend for Dinner Honey, said the husband to his wife, I invited a friend home for supper. What? Are you crazy? The house is a mess, I havent been shopping, all the dishes are dirty, and I dont feel like cooking a fancy meal! I know all that. Then w...
09-09-29 假如女性朋友们在给男同胞发好人卡时,把内心的真实想法都确实地说出来,会是什意思呢?那就是咱们做恋人缘分不够,但可以一辈子做最好的朋友哦! I really like you. I do. You're so nice, and sweet, and you listen to all my problems and respond with the appro...
09-09-27 The first guest-for-hire company was established about nine years ago.Japanese couples, too busy for a normal social life, are increasingly turning to actors to play their friends on the most important days of their lives. Japanese couples, too busy...
09-09-12 Facebook is now the world\'s fourth-most visited website.An Australian online marketing company is selling friends and fans to Facebook members. Who says you can't buy friends? An Australian online marketing company is selling friends and fans to Fa...
09-08-18 Friendships can be inferred with 95% accuracy from call records and the proximity of users, says a new report. 一项新报到称,从通话记录和用户亲近度可以推测出95%的友谊结果。 Movement and call data showed a different picture of connectivity than surve...