• 英国超市食品有望被贴上环保标签

    22-11-28 新研究成果可能会让此景成为现实:英国超市的购物者很快就能在购买食品前,查看食品对环境造成的影响。科学家已能利用公共数据库估算出成千上万种食品的构成及其对环境的影响。 The researchers estimated the composition of thousands of foods from the ingredients...

  • 物价飙升 英国民众被迫选择廉价加工食品果腹

    22-11-14 英国持续数月通胀高企物价飙升,尤其是新鲜蔬菜水果等健康食品的价格飞涨,民众只能被迫选择廉价的加工食品来果腹。 Fresh vegetables and fish are falling off the menu. Packaged pizzas and processed meat are the dishes of the day. 新鲜蔬菜和鱼从菜单上消失了...

  • 吃太晚容易长胖

    22-10-21 近日,一项发表在《细胞代谢》杂志的最新研究给出了明确回答:吃饭时间真的很重要!更晚地吃饭(如一天三顿的摄入时间比别人迟4个小时),会从三大方面诱发肥胖:增加食欲、降低能量消耗、改变脂肪组织基因的表达。吃太晚真的容易长胖,快把时差倒回来! We all know t...

  • 巧克力能成为健康食品吗?

    22-10-18 研究表明,吃适量的黑巧克力可能对你有好处。黑巧克力富含镁和铁等矿物质,同时具有高水平的抗氧化剂。但巧克力对你的健康越好,它的味道就越苦。 When you think of foods that are good for you, chocolate may not be high up on your list. But, there has been a...

  • 超加工食品会损害身体健康

    22-10-14 超加工食品虽然好吃又方便,但却会损害身体健康,提高患肥胖、心脏...

  • 吃素一个月,身体会发生哪些变化

    22-06-20 Reduced body weight 体重减轻 Eliminating any major food group, in this case animal proteins, can cause a calorie deficit, says Kailey Proctor, an oncology dietitian with the Center for Cancer Prevention and Treatment at St. Joseph Hospital in Orange...

  • 年度农药残留农产品购物指南

    22-04-24 随着天气转暖,各种新鲜美味的果蔬将会成批上市。尽管我们在食用之前都会清洗果蔬,但是有些果蔬的农药残留还是难以去除。你知道哪些果蔬的农药残留量最多,哪些最少吗? The Environmental Working Group (EWG) recently released its annual Shoppers Guide to Pesti...

  • 多吃全谷物食品助你中年保持身材

    21-07-16 想要躲过中年发福的魔咒,并不是绝无可能的。新研究发现,只要多吃全谷物食品,多吃坚果、鸡肉、海鲜和酸奶,就可以帮助你在中年保持身材,还能降低你的血糖和血压水平。 Eating porridge in later life can help you avoid the dreaded middle-aged spread, according...

  • to have no appetite for something 对事物“不感冒”

    21-06-22 动词短语 to have no appetite for something 没有胃口 的原意描述一个人茶饭不思,心情焦虑不安。在日常对话中表示某人对事物 不感冒,不感兴趣。 例句 I have no appetite for yet another superhero film! It seems like a new one comes out every month, and Im m...

  • 关于食品安全的10个知识 上

    21-01-28 1. Chocolate with white or grayish film is fine to eat 结了白色或灰色膜的巧克力也能吃 While white or grayish film formed on the surface of chocolate might not look very appetizing, turns out its perfectly fine to eat. The process occurs when cocoa b...