• flood in 铺天盖地

    21-05-08 铺天盖地,汉语成语,字面意思是blanket the earth and eclipse the sky,形容来势猛,声势大,到处都是。可以翻译为come in large quantities或flood in。 例句: 电视里的广告铺天盖地,令人眼花缭乱。 TV commercials flooded in and dazzled their audience....

  • 中国提供卫星数据助印度抗洪救灾

    19-07-25 China has provided satellite data to assist India with its recent flood relief efforts, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) said on Wednesday. 中国国家航天局周三表示,中国已向印度提供卫星数据用于抗洪救灾工作。 The CNSA launched the satell...

  • 莫高窟因暴雨暂时对游客关闭

    19-07-18 The Mogao Grottoes, a renowned UNESCO World Heritage site in northwest Chinas Gansu Province, was temporarily closed to tourists on Wednesday, the second time this year due to heavy rain. 甘肃敦煌莫高窟,一处知名的联合国教科文世界遗产地,周三因为暴...

  • 中国援助伊朗洪灾物资已到达德黑兰

    19-04-28 The first batch of emergency aid materials from the Chinese government to Irans flood-hit areas landed in the capital Tehran on Friday. 中国政府援助伊朗洪灾的首批紧急救援物资周五已抵达首都德黑兰。 Chinese Ambassador to Iran Pang Sen handed over the...

  • 广东遭强降雨袭击

    18-08-31 Heavy rainfalls hit southern Chinas Guangdong Province over the past few days, waterlogging many cities, the provincial flood control headquarters said Friday. 最近几天以来,广东省遭暴雨袭击,多个城市内有积水。 Cities of Shantou, Huizhou and Shanwei...

  • 安徽启动洪灾应急预案

    18-08-23 Chinas disaster relief authorities have launched a level IV emergency response plan to help flood victims in Anhui Province, the Ministry of Emergency Management said Wednesday. 中国应急管理部周三表示,已启动四级应急预案来帮助安徽的洪水灾民。 About...

  • 中国向斯里兰卡空运救援物资

    17-06-04 A Chinese cargo plane carrying emergency humanitarian relief arrived in Sri Lanka on Saturday, which was hit by floods and landslides earlier this week. 一架装有紧急人道主义救援物资的中国货运飞机周六抵达斯里兰卡,该国本周早些时候发生洪灾与泥石流。 T...

  • 智利洪灾造成17人死亡

    15-03-31 The death toll from recent heavy rains, flooding and mudslides in northern Chile has climbed to 17, while 20 people remain missing, the Interior Ministry's National Emergency Office (ONEMI) said Monday. 智利内务部国家紧急事务处周一宣称,近期暴雨、洪...

  • 英国两王子投身抗洪救灾工作

    14-02-20 英国《每日邮报》网站报道,2月14日,威廉和哈里王子前往洪水危机前线,投身抗洪救灾工作。 Princes William and Harry today joined the flood relief effort by helping soldiers to lay sandbags in Datchet. The brothers secretly joined members of Harry's Hous...

  • 泰晤士河洪水泛滥 水位突破历史记录

    14-02-10 Several water gauges along the River Thames have measured record levels as flood waters continue to rise. 泰晤士河洪水水位持续上涨,几处水文测量站的数据均已突破历史记录。 Royal Navy engineers from HMS Sultan, Gosport, were called in to build sandbag...