• 浙江发起为期三个月的购物活动

    22-09-22 浙里来消费2022金秋购物节近日在杭州市上城区湖滨步行街启幕。本次购物节将持续至11月,有序衔接国庆、双11等节点,政企银让利优惠23亿元,为全省人民送上一场持续3个月的消费盛会。 Authorities in East Chinas Zhejiang province recently launched a three-month sh...

  • do Spring Festival shopping 办年货

    22-03-23 春节临近,置办年货成为中国老百姓的头等大事,家家户户开始采购各种吃的、穿的、用的、玩儿的,这些被统称为年货(nin hu,special purchases for the Spring Festival),而采购年货的过程称为办年货(bn nin hu,do Spring Festival shopping)。 古时候,办年货是...

  • 春节期间全国邮政快递业共揽收和投递快递包裹7.49亿件

    22-02-10 国家邮政局相关负责人表示,今年春节期间,全国邮政快递业运行情况总体安全稳定,邮政快递服务业务量增幅较大。 From Jan. 31 to Feb. 6, 749 million parcels were received and delivered by the countrys postal and express companies, the data showed. The figur...

  • kick off 开工

    22-02-09 开工一开始的意思表示建筑工程的破土动工(start/begin construction),但在现代互联网语境下,开工更多是指休息过后重新投入工作。 如果你把开工翻成start working,会显得死板生硬,因为它仅仅描述开始工作这样一个动作。下面我们学一个形象生动的表达: kick off...

  • 2022年将有哪些佳片上映 上

    22-01-10 Belle《龙和雀斑公主》 This cyberpunk update of Beauty and the Beast received a 14-minute standing ovation when it premiered at last Mays Cannes Film Festival and its easy to see why. Mamoru Hosodas dazzling anime is a fairy-tale romance, a high-scho...

  • to go out with a bang 圆满结束

    21-12-17 To go out with a bang 意思是某件事情成功地完成,并得到了人们的赞赏和雷鸣般的掌声。 例句 The festival went out with a bang when the world-famous rock band came on to play. John got a karaoke machine for his leaving party to ensure that he went out wi...

  • 用英语谈论“元宵节”

    21-09-29 农历正月十五元宵节是春节年俗中最后一个节令。元宵节也被大家俗称为 灯节。节日当天各地庆祝的习俗包括吃汤圆,点灯笼,猜灯谜。下面六道题测试和这个传统节日有关的语言知识。通过做这些题目学习描述 元宵节 的英语语句。 1. Lantern Festival ______ the end of the...

  • 9月23日秋分 第四个“中国农民丰收节”

    21-09-25 9月23日是农历秋分,也是第四个中国农民丰收节。 A series of events ranging from art performances and farmers sports meetings to calligraphy and painting exhibitions are being held across the country to mark the fourth Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival...

  • 《The Hurt Locker》拆弹部队

    21-06-18 The Hurt Locker is a 2008 American war film about a three-man Explosive Ordnance Disposal (bomb disposal) team during the Iraq War. The film was directed by Kathryn Bigelow and the screenplay was written by Mark Boal. The Hurt Locker is a riveting,...

  • holiday和festival的区别

    21-06-15 一般来说,节日性质不同,英文中的说法也就不一样。 先从最常见的day说起,为特定人群设定的节日叫day,一般纪念或表达感情的色彩比较重。比如:Teachers Day, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Childrens Day等,这种节日一般不放假。如果愿意,你可以给过节的人送些小礼物...