• 琼州海峡轮渡服务周一恢复正常

    18-02-26 The emergency response has ended as ferry services on the Qiongzhou Strait in south Chinas Hainan Province returned to normal Monday, according to local authorities. 海南省政府表示,琼州海峡轮渡服务周一恢复正常,应急响应宣告结束。 Rare heavy fog tha...

  • 韩国“岁月号”船长获36年有期徒刑

    14-11-12 A South Korean court yesterday handed a 36 year prison sentence to the captain of the sunken ferry 'Sewol'. 韩国一家法院昨日判处岁月号客轮船长36年有期徒刑。 The chief engineer received 30 years, and 13 other crew members were sentenced to up to 20 y...

  • 韩国沉船船长过失杀人罪被起诉

    14-05-15 The captain of the sunken South Korean ferry has been charged with manslaughter, reports say. 韩国世越号沉船船长因过失杀人罪被起诉。 Lee Joon-seok, 68, is accused of leaving the ship as it was sinking while telling passengers to stay put, reports Yo...

  • 韩国总统就轮渡沉没向公众致歉

    14-04-29 South Korean President Park Geun-hye has apologised over the ferry disaster, in a statement to cabinet shown on national television. 韩国国家电视台报道,总统朴槿惠在内阁的一份声明中就此次轮渡沉没事故向公众致歉。 Ms Park said that the government had...

  • 韩国渡轮沉没 数百人失踪

    14-04-16 Several hundred people remain unaccounted for after a ferry carrying 476 people capsized and sank off South Korea. 一艘载有476名乘客的渡轮在韩国海域沉没,数百人失踪。 Dozens of passengers have been rescued but the fate of many others remains unknown...

  • 菲律宾发生两船相撞事故,多人失踪

    09-12-24 At least 27 people are missing after a passenger ferry collided with a fishing boat in the Philippines, officials say. 菲律宾一艘客渡船与渔船相撞,造成至少27人失踪。 The wooden- hulled船身的,有壳的 ferry and the fishing boat were between them carry...
