• Gender identity 性别认同

    22-10-12 Gender identity 性别认同 首字母缩写词 AFAB 和 AMAB 现被牛津辞典网站平台收录,它们分别表示assigned female at birth / 天生女性和assigned male at birth / 天生男性。当某人的性别认同与自身出生的天生性别相反时而使用这两个词,例如,this show portrayed both...

  • 调查:管理层女性占比高的公司盈利能力更强

    22-03-07 随着女性地位的提高,各行各业的女强人数量激增。英国的一项调查显示,管理层女性占比高的公司盈利能力更强。然而,英国幼儿托管服务的欠缺却让职场女性无法放心拼事业,进入最高管理层的女性依然是凤毛麟角。 Women should play a central role in the post-pandemic...

  • 国家卫健委印发《母乳喂养促进行动计划》

    21-11-25 近日,国家卫健委等十五部门联合印发《母乳喂养促进行动计划(2021-2025年)》。 China will promote breastfeeding over the next five years by improving hospitals consultancy services, public support facilities and protecting womens working rights during...

  • 比尔·盖茨斥资400万美元研发“杀手蚊”

    18-07-03 Microsoft founder Bill Gates is pouring $4 million into a project to create killer mosquitoes that destroy each other through sex. 微软创始人比尔盖茨将投资400万美元(约合2654万元人民币),用以培育能够在交配中杀死对方的杀手蚊。 Its a bold bid to curb...

  • 调查:女性家庭成员难以相处

    18-02-03 Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley and Bar-Ilan University in Israel have discovered an inconvenient truth about our female family members. 美国加州大学伯克利分校和以色列巴伊兰大学的研究人员发现了一个和女性家庭成员有关的难以忽视的...

  • 川普言论“打扮得像个女人”激怒女性主义者

    17-02-06 Donald Trump has angered feminists all over again, after a new report suggests that he has told the female staff of his administration that they need to always dress like women when at work. 特朗普再一次激怒了女性主义者,一则最新报道显示,特朗普对其...

  • 宁夏女员工将享受带薪生理假

    16-08-17 Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in northwest China will allow female workers to require paid menstrual leave, reported nxnews.net on Tuesday. 宁夏新闻网周二报道,宁夏回族自治区将允许女性员工享受带薪生理假。 The region enhances the protection of female...

  • 手机表情中将有女性职业形象

    16-07-25 Emoji users will soon be able to select female versions of police officers, doctors and athletes after critics said the popular text-message cartoons discriminated against women by showing mainly men in professional roles. 人们很快就能在表情符号中选...

  • 前Facebook员工爆料工作生活细节

    16-07-06 Female workers at Facebook were routinely told not to wear clothing that distracted co-workers, a former employee has claimed. 一名前Facebook员工称,该公司的女员工经常被告诫不要穿那些让同事分心的衣服。 Antonio Garcia Martinez, who was fired after tw...

  • 女性交易员可以减少股市崩溃几率

    16-03-08 An audio interview with Dr Daniel Ladley about the research is available here: https://soundcloud.com/university-of-leicester/how-do-hormones-affect-traders Researchers in the Department of Economics at the University of Leicester have found that ma...