• Renting a Bike 租赁自行车

    23-01-29 Alice says the bikes available to hire in her city arent used that much because she thinks it costs too much. She wants to know about the popularity of a similar scheme in London. London has recently launched a cycle hire scheme where for an annual...

  • 我国加大对企业的税费支持力度

    22-10-14 今年以来,新的组合式税费支持政策分批推出,截至9月20日,合计新增减税降费及退税缓税缓费超3.4万亿元。这些税费红包切实帮助企业减负担、增动能,助力宏观经济大盘回稳向上。 China has ramped up its tax and fee incentives and supporting policies to enterprise...

  • 今年全国累计新增减税降费及退税缓税缓费超3.3万亿

    22-09-19 国家税务总局最新数据显示,截至8月31日,今年全国累计新增减税降费及退税缓税缓费超3.3万亿元,有效提振市场主体信心,增强发展内生动力,推动经济平稳健康发展。 Chinas tax and fee cuts and deferrals are injecting vitality into the countrys market players, o...

  • delivery fee to be collected 到付

    21-11-19 邮寄快递时,通常需要选择付款方式(payment)是到付还是寄付。 到付顾名思义就是指包裹运达目的地后由收货人给付运费(person or company that receives packages will pay delivery fees at the time the packages are received),可以翻译为 delivery fee to be co...

  • smog fee 雾霾费

    16-03-07 Shanghai has announced plans to charge polluters for emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), introducing a new tariff that state media have called a smog fee . 上海计划向污染者征收挥发性有机物排污费,媒体也称其为雾霾费。 这里的雾霾费(smog f...

  • taxi franchise fee 出租车经营权有偿使用金

    15-10-12 Hangzhou, in Zhejiang province, is planning to eliminate taxi franchise fees paid to the government as it seeks to break an oligopoly on the industry. 浙江省杭州拟停止收取出租车经营权有偿使用金,力图打破该行业的专营模式。 文中franchise作名词指(政府...

  • 交通拥堵费 traffic jam fee

    09-09-21 继今年七月份广州传出对车辆征收交通拥堵费的方案之后,上海市也想采取这一政策来缓解道路拥挤问题,但是因为广州拟征收交通拥堵费遭到一片质疑声,所以上海市近日就这一政策向民众征求意见。 请看相关报道: Shanghai will solicit public opinion on auto plate auct...
