09-11-26 A powerful Philippine clan leader suspected of involvement in the massacre of 57 people has been taken into custody, officials said. 一位有权势的菲律宾氏族首领因涉嫌参与57人的大屠杀而被拘押。 A state of emergency was declared in Maguindanao province...
09-11-11 A woman is six times more likely to be separated or divorced soon after a diagnosis(诊断) of cancer or multiple sclerosis(多发性硬化) than if a man in the relationship is the patient, according to a study that examined the role gender played in...
09-10-30 Get-togethers(聚会) with a kidney disease patient's family and friends can improve their willingness to consider donation, according to a paper being presented at the American Society of Nephrology's 42nd Annual Meeting and Scientific Exposition i...
09-09-04 Michael Jackson's family are preparing for the late pop star's private funeral at a cemetery in Los Angeles. Michael Jackson的家人正在准备举行这位巨星在洛杉矶公墓的最后私人葬礼。 Jackson will join a long list of stars who are buried at the cemetery...
09-08-29 North and South Korea have agreed to resume family reunions that were called off by the North two years ago, the two sides have announced in a statement. 朝鲜韩国同意继续进行两年前被朝鲜取消的亲人团聚计划,双方就此已发表声明。 The reunions, begun in...
09-08-26 Officials from South Korea are on their way to the North for talks that could allow divided families to meet again. 韩国官员正前往朝鲜进行两国亲人团聚商谈。 Thousands of families were separated by the 1950-53 war After a long period of tension, reun...
09-08-25 North and South Korea are to hold talks on reuniting families divided by war in the 1950s, officials in Seoul say. 首尔官员称,朝鲜韩国正在举行谈话讨论1950年朝鲜战争中被分开家庭的团聚问题。 The two officials are responsible for inter-Korean relation...
09-08-22 Barack Obama's work-hard, play-hard tour mixes trips to some of America's most majestic beauty spots with the serious business of thwarting Republican attacks on his health care plan President Barack Obama put his political worries to one side and f...
09-08-16 随着独生子女一代的长大和人口老龄化步伐的加快,我国空巢家庭的数量和比例飞速增长,这已对传统的家庭养老产生强烈冲击,也对人口老龄化问题构成了巨大挑战。空巢家庭的老人不仅面临养老等难题,而且由于无法尽享天伦之乐,还容易出现悲观的情绪问题。 请看《中国日报...
09-08-12 Skin-to-skin contact can help parents bond with their new baby Neonatal units looking after premature babies need redesigning to put parents at the heart of care, say campaigners. 用来照顾早产婴儿的设备需要被重新设计来使双亲可以把照顾婴儿放在第一位...